This is a private event. For more information, please visit the Facebook event page. Naila and the Uprising will air on Ma'an TV for a special broadcast to commemorate International Women's Day. Just Vision It is a custom manufacturer utilizing wide format dye sublimation and crisp 8-color printing (the first company in the USA to offer this) onto fabric, home decor, commercial events, backdrops, and contract printing. Join us for a virtual screening of Naila and the Uprising at the United Nations Association Film Festival (UNAFF). To learn more and register, please visit the Facebook event page. 62 talking about this. For more information, please visit the J Street Conference website. The screening will be followed by a discussion on social sustainability, solidarity and direct action in the Israeli-Palestinian context. Compartir en Pinterest. Sony just revealed its XBR-A1E Bravia 4K OLED TV here at CES 2017, the company’s flagship TV of 2017. Of course, these are all just dumb, fan-canon questions that may-or-may-not be explored in the future. Join the Arab Culture Association (ACA) for their weekly "Wednesday Talk" about the political and social challenges of journalism for Palestinians in Israel. Join the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) and the DCU Students for Justice in Palestine for a screening of the highly acclaimed documentary film, Naila and the Uprising, in advance of International Women’s Day. The screening will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with Suhad Babaa, Just Vision's Executive Director and Executive Producer of Naila and the Uprising. The discussion led by Local Call editor, Meron Rapoport, will feature Attorney Sawsan Zaher, Deputy General Director of Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab minority rights in Israel and Michael Sfard, expert on international law and human rights. The Westview Vision interjects saying that he's not the real Vision and that he only has remnants of the Soul Stone's energy. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with Just Vision's Deputy Director, Emma Alpert and Just Vision's Public Engagement Coordinator, Kate Schwartz. The virtual screening will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with Just Vision's Deputy Director and the film's Impact Producer, Emma Alpert. Welcome to Just Vision Eye Centre Facebook page! The Chicago Palestine Film Festival will screen Naila and the Uprising on March 26 as part of their weekly Falasteen Film Fridays series. Visit the EU-Arab World Summit website to learn more and register. The virtual screening will be followed by a discussion with Baraa Asleh (brother of Asel), Gwen Carr (mother of Eric Garner), Margaret Kwateng (activist featured in the film), Jen Marlowe (filmmaker), Raya Naamneh (Asel's cousin & activist), and moderated by Nadia Ben-Youssef of the Center for Constitutional Rights. Visit the Facebook event to learn more and register. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with Just Vision's Public Engagement Coordinator, Kate Schwartz. Join the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) for a free screening of the documentary film Naila and the Uprising at the James Connolly Centre in Belfast. Join Donkeysaddle Projects (DSP), Just Vision and the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) for a virtual screening of Remembering the Gaza War as part of DSP's Freedom Film series. Check back for additional details. Unsere Visionen sind unsere Zukunft. World Vision is working to make sure they have another chance at a full life. There are so many women just like Jennifer in Uganda. Speakers include MK Aida Touma Sliman (Joint List); Dr Sarai Aharoni, professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Aya Zinati, Palestinian feminist activist; Roni Felsen, head of the steering committee for Women Wage Peace and moderated by Galia Aviani, an activist at Isha L'Isha.