Phone: +49 (0)8552 9600-0 Fax: +49 (0)8552 9600-100 Email: poststelle(@) Facebook Link to homepage Advanced Search. Bavarian Forest National Park’s hands-off management philosophy is “Let nature be nature.” The pursuit of this plan is allowing a large landscape of wild forests and bogs to develop and thrive here in the heart of Europe where managed forests are an ancient human tradition. In addition, there are the foothills of the two main ridges to the southeast and those of the Anterior Bavarian Forest to the northwest. To the southeast and adjacent to the Regen Depression and Anterior Bavarian Forest is the Passauer Vorwald and, beyond it, the Abteiland ("Abbey Land"), which on average is only a little hillier than the Regen valley. Please note - for the protection of nature and your safety - the following information: Always make sure you are well equipped: sturdy shoes, drinking, first aid kit, bad weather clothing and cell phone, and cycle helmet. The cycling paths even connect another national park Šumava in the Czech Republic. About the current state and any disabilities informed our Wegeservice. With its mysterious moors, crystal-clear streams and a glacial lake called the Rachselsee, the wooded low mountain landscape provides the perfect habitat for native animals, including eagle owls, Ural owls, otters and wood grouse. Even though you need to be in a good fitness condition, you don’t necessary need mountain bikes to ride these paths. The provider may set cookies for its part. This reaches a height of 948 m in the Frauenwald. Where some decades ago it had been reduced to a few meagre remnants of woodland, today it has demonstrated an impressive ability to heal itself. As a result of political developments after 1989, most recently the accession of the Czech Republic to the Schengen area, however, there is a discernible trend to see the low mountain range on the German-Czech border as a unit, especially in terms of tourism. The western part of the Vorwald transition in the south and on this side of the Regen into the Jurassic rocks of the Franconian Jura; Regenstauf being located at the boundary between the rock formations. The Zeller Valley (Zellertal), which stretches from Bad Kötzting via Bodenmais and northeast of Langdorf to Bettmannsäge and continues in relief terms as far as Spiegelau, separates a third, slightly lower ridgeline, which bounds the High Bavarian Forest to the southwest. Due to air pollution and Borkenkäfer, large stretches of the spruce high forests which used to dominate that region werewiped out in the mid-fifties of the 20th century. Website: Due to its location in the heart of the Bayerischer Wald (Bavarian Forest) National Park, nature has had more than 40 years to regenerate of its own accord. Statistics Cookies collect information anonymously. Border railway station divided between Germany and the Czech Republic. In the far northwest are the Elisabethszell Mountains near the village of Elisabethszell, the line of which runs away to the southeast. Founded in 1970, this serene yet dramatically beautiful landscape has the largest closed woodland area in central Europe. The Bavarian Forest National Park, founded in 1970 as the first national park in Germany, joins with the neighbouring Šumava National Park in the Czech Republic to form the largest continuous area of woodland in Central Europe. The stocks of this endangered bird, which is quite rare in Germany, …, For the use of the website with all functions (e.g. The respective data protection regulations of the provider apply. The main summit in this high-relief part of the landscape, is the Jugendberg (611 m) immediately southwest of Nittenau, but more spectacular are the slopes of the 664 m high Gailenberg above the bend in the Regen. This information helps us to understand how our visitors use our website. It runs along the Czech border and is continued on the Czech side by the Bohemian Forest (Czech: Šumava). The concept of letting nature run wild is at the heart of the Bavarian Forest National Park. The thickness of the glacier ice at 1,050 m was about 125 metres. To the south of the Brotjacklriegel, the isolated Stierberg (716 m), southwest of Zenting, bounds the Lallinger Winkel (see below) markedly in the east. In the east, roughly from Waldkirchen, the Abbey Country transitions into the Wegscheid Plateau, which flows seamlessly into the Mühlviertel region of Lower Austria. Next to the Bavarian Forest National Park, close to the Arber mountain (cable car 10 months of the year). The concept of letting nature run wild is … To the south-west of the Regen depression is the Anterior Bavarian Forest (also called the Danube Hills), which is up to 1,121 m high. Rome2rio makes travelling from Bavarian Forest National Park to Nuremberg easy. If you are in good cycling condition, you will love the fact that the Bavarian Forest national park has 200 kilometers of maintained paths. A destructive thunderstorm savaged swaths of the forest in 1983,… Further, our stock’s special feature is, that natural occurrences like windthrow and bark beetle infestation can take place without human impact. Geologically, as the southwestern edge of the Bohemian Massif, it is indistinguishable from the Bohemian Forest on the other side of the Czech border and from the Sauwald on Austrian soil. In order to provide you with the best possible offer in cooperation with our partners, we use marketing tools. The Großer Rachel or Great Rachel is a mountain, 1,452 m above sea level ; it is the second highest summit in the Bavarian Forest and Bohemian Forest after the Großer Arber and the highest mountain in the Bavarian Forest National Park. In 1970, the Bavarian Forest National Park was proclaimed Germany’s first national park. Together with the adjacent Upper Palatine Forest on the far side of the Cham-Furth Depression, and the Neuburg Forest south of Passau, the Bavarian Forest forms the largest contiguous area of woodland in Bavaria and, together with the Bohemian Forest and the Sauwald (its southeastern continuation towards Upper Austria), it forms one of the largest contiguous forests in Europe. Copy link A thickly wooded paradise for lovers of fresh air, the Bavarian Forest National Park extends for around 24,250 hectares along the Czech border, from Bayerisch Eisenstein in the north to Finsterau in the south. In the Eastern Bavarian Forest, right on Germany’s border with the Czech Republic, you will find the Bavarian Forest National Park covering an area of 24,250 hectares. Principal towns of the mountain region are Regen, Zwiesel, Waldkirchen, and Grafenau. This lush, mountainous region lies in the South East Germany and is the country’s first national park. In the south it reaches the border with Upper Austria. The wolf as the second big predator is also native to the Bavarian Forest again. Where the glaciers made their way into the valley, one can still find glacial landforms such as cirques, caroids (Karoide) and cirque lakes (Großer Arbersee, Kleiner Arbersee, Rachelsee) as well as moraine banks. To the west of this depression, the Hadriwa is the highest point, reaching 677 m. All the mountains mentioned so far, except the Gallner, are situated around the market municipality of Falkenstein which gives its name to the forest-covered mountains.