The upcoming Burundi holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Cameroon holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Ivory Coast holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Djibouti holiday Aid el-Fitre is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Egypt holiday End of Ramadan Day 2 is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Islam holiday Eid-al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) is in 2 days from today. Le prophète (SWS) et ses compagnons furent accueillis à bras ouverts par les musulmans de Yathrib qui furent appelés Al Ansar, leur ville fut baptisée Médine Madinat Arrasoul (la ville du prophète). The upcoming Madagascar holiday Id al Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Comoros holiday Ide el Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. Les premiers versets du Coran qui furent dévoilés au prophète furent ceux de Sourate Al-Alaq: "Lis au nom de ton Seigneur qui a tout créé, qui a créé l’homme d’une adhérence ! Baraka Allah. The upcoming Algeria holiday Eid al-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Morocco holiday Eid-al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Kuwait holiday Eid-al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Turkey holiday Ramadan Feast is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Brunei holiday Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Comoros holiday Ide el Fitr Holiday is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Rwanda holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Brunei holiday Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Indonesia holiday Ascension Day of Jesus Christ is in 2 days from today. Ali Youssef. The upcoming Oman holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 5 days from today. The upcoming Sudan holiday Ramadan Bairam Holiday is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Indonesia holiday 1st Day of Eid-ul-Fitar is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Liberia holiday National Unification Day is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Vanuatu holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Nauru holiday Constitution Day is in 6 days from today. The upcoming Maldives holiday Eid-ul Fithr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Tanzania holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. Macha'Allah ! The upcoming Burkina Faso holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Luxembourg holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. Copyrights © 2021 & Tous droits réservés. The upcoming Uzbekistan holiday Ramadan Hayit is in 2 days from today. The upcoming France holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. Sa mère mourut alors qu'il avait à peine 6 ans, il fut alors confié à son grand père 'Abd al-Muttalib et à la mort de ce dernier à son oncle Abou Talib. The upcoming United Arab Emirates holiday Eid Al Fitr Holiday 1 is in 3 days from today. Qu'Allah nous comble de ses bienfaits et nous donne son paradis, Amin. All donations will be used to further our mission to end the cycle of poverty. 2021 Holidays page is an attempt from us to make your lives little easy. Leur mariage dura 25 ans jusqu'à la mort de Khadija, le prophète n'épousa guère d'autre femme jusqu'à la mort de cette dernière. For Latest Updates Like Our Facebook Page: ‘‘Let there be many windows to your soul, that all the glory of the world may beautify it.’’. The upcoming Chad holiday Aid el-Fitr is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Senegal holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. Qu'Allah récompense les initiateurs de ce site combien intéressant le résumé est d'une clarté absolue et permettra une bonne compréhension de l'islam et et la biographie du prophète Mohamed SAW bien aime. Qu'Allah vous garde et vous accorde Sa miséricorde. Paix et Salut sur ses Compagnons et sur toute sa Famille.Puisse le mois de carême 2018 profiter à tous les musulmans du monde, unis dans leurs prières quotidiennes pour le bonheur et la paix sur toute l'humanité.Nous prions Le Tout Miséricordieux pour le retour définitif de la paix des cœurs et des esprits dans notre cher pays le Mali, terre de savoir, de religion et de bénédiction. The upcoming Burundi holiday Aid el-Fithr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Afghanistan holiday Eid al-Fitr Holiday is in 2 days from today. On 16 April 2020, Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob clarified that any form of mass movements and interstate travel would be prohibited during Ramadan as long as the Movement Control Order remains in force until 28 April. The upcoming Djibouti holiday Aid el-Fitre is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Comoros holiday Ide el Fitr is in 1 days from today. L'oncle de Mohamed (SWS) était pauvre, il dut alors travailler dès sa jeunesse pour l'aider à subvenir aux besoins de la famille, il fut d'abord berger avant de travailler dans le commerce. paix et salut sur le prophète bien aimé "MOUHAMAD" et grand merci aux initiateurs de ce site qui contribue à la formation des jeunes musulmans. Continuez à aider les musulmans dans leurs quête de science ! The upcoming Gambia holiday Koriteh is in 2 days from today. (C'est cette date qui est commémorée pendant le Mawlid Annabaoui). {{#Ayas}} A lock ( ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. The upcoming North Macedonia holiday Ramazan Bajram is in 2 days from today. Nous en avons besoin, besoin de connaissance dans la base de la religion musulmane ! The upcoming Brunei holiday Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is in 5 days from today. The upcoming Faroe Islands holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. Ascension Day Eswatini. The upcoming Yemen holiday Eid-al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Albania holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. Nearly 14 per cent of the population (189.2 million) is still undernourished in India, according to the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2020 report. The upcoming Benin holiday Korite is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Namibia holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. Qu'Allah vous récompense Ameenle résumé est d'une clarté absolue et permettra une bonne compréhensionde l'islam et de son prophète Mohamed bien aime. Secure Payment. 2021 National & Public Calendar Holidays Service. Aid el-Fitre Djibouti. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS. The upcoming Brunei holiday Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Yemen holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Christian holiday Ascension of Jesus is in 2 days from today. Udhiyah / Qurbani (Small Animal) - Gaza. Cet exode appelé Hijra Nabawiya eut lieu en l'an 622 du calendrier grégorien, et c'est cette année qui deviendra par la suite la première du calendrier musulman. The upcoming Timor Leste holiday Idul Fitri is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Monaco holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. {{{content}}} Mohamed, Muhammad ou Mohammed est le dernier des prophètes et le messager de Dieu à l'humanité avec la dernière des religions monothéistes, l'Islam. Le montant de Zakat Al Fitr pour l’année 1442H/2021 est fixé à 15 DH par personne, a annoncé le Conseil supérieur des ouléma. A sa naissance, Mohammed fut confié à Halima Saadia qui lui servit de nourrice comme l'était la coutume en Arabie de confier les nouveaux nés aux nourrices des villages avoisinants. The upcoming Syria holiday Eid-al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Botswana holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Pakistan holiday Eid ul-Fitar Holiday is in 3 days from today. Apart from that we have also provided the list of many International Holidays. Sa succession fut assurée par son fidèle compagnon Abou Bakr. The upcoming Ethiopia holiday Eid-al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Wallis And Futuna holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Guinea Bissau holiday Korite is in 2 days from today. The upcoming United Arab Emirates holiday Eid Al Fitr Holiday 2 is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Egypt holiday End of Ramadan Day 3 is in 4 days from today. Paix et Salut sur notre Prophète. The upcoming Sweden holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. Aid el-Kebir: Public Holiday: Aug 7: Saturday: Independence Day: Public Holiday: Aug 15: Sunday: Assumption of Mary: Public Holiday: Sep 22: ... 2020 2022; Show holidays on ... Aid el-Fitr. Découvrez sur Assabile la quintessence de l'Islam à travers les multiples récitations du Saint Coran proposées au fil des pages, les leçons et chants religieux ainsi que de multiples articles de tous bords. The upcoming Syria holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 4 days from today. Que Dieu vous donne la force de continuer a aider nos parents, freres et soeurs dans la connaissance de notre religion qui est l'Islam. Son plus grand miracle est le Coran, le livre saint de la religion musulmane. The upcoming South Sudan holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. Et qu'Allah vous récompense pour cette contribution pour la propagation de l'Islam. Le nombre de convertis à l'islam croissait à la Mecque et ses alentours en même temps que les persécutions de Quraych envers les musulmans, ce qui poussa le prophète à quitter la Mecque avec ses fidèles en direction de Médine, qu'on appelait alors Yathrib, après 14 ans d'appel à l'Islam. Paix et Salut sur le plus aimé de Dieu, la Meilleure des créatures. The upcoming Liechtenstein holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Nigeria holiday Id-el-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. The upcoming New Caledonia holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. Paix et salut sur le prophete. The upcoming Saint Barthelemy holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Pakistan holiday Eid ul-Fitar Holiday is in 4 days from today. Assalam alaikoum. The upcoming Netherlands holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Paraguay holiday Independence Day is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Madagascar holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Guinea holiday Korite is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Yemen holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 0 days from today. The upcoming Nigeria holiday Id-el-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Oman holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Libya holiday Eid al-Fitr Holiday is in 4 days from today. On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, which was reported to the WHO on 31 December 2019.. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mohamed naquit le 12 Rabi' al-awwal de l'an dit de l'éléphant ('Am Al Fil), qui correspond à l'an 571 à peu près du calendrier grégorien, à la Mecque. Paix et Salut sur le bien aimé de Allah; merci à vous. The upcoming Central African Republic holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The upcoming Sri Lanka holiday Id Ul Fitr is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Iran holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. Et merci pour la biographie sur le prophète Mohamed sa m'a beaucoup aidé. La culture des Comores, petit archipel d'Afrique australe, désigne d'abord les pratiques culturelles observables des 1 100 000 habitants de l'Union des Comores et des diasporas.. Les habitants séculaires de l'archipel des Comores, qui se nomment les Grand-Comoriens ou Comoriens, les Anjouanais, les Mohéliens et le Mahorais préservent une branche méridionale de la culture swahilie 1 The upcoming Somalia holiday Eid al-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Algeria holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Sudan holiday Ramadan Bairam Holiday is in 2 days from today. Que ta lumière nous éclaires encore et encore. {{#tafsir}}. The upcoming Singapore holiday Hari Raya Puasa is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Malawi holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. Al hamdou lilah, merci pour cet eclairge sur le vecu de notre prophète Mohamed (sws) merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour la religion de nos peres, merci pour la grandeur d'Allah. Amen! The upcoming Afghanistan holiday Eid al-Fitr Holiday is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Somalia holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Sudan holiday Ramadan Bairam Holiday is in 5 days from today. Peu après ce pèlerinage dit de l'Adieu, le prophète (SWS) tomba malade, il mourut quelques jours plus tard sur les genoux de son épouse Aïcha le 8 juin 632 qui correspond à Rabi' al-awwal de l'an 11 de l'Hégire. Background. The upcoming Germany holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Martinique holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. Coronavirus dans le monde lundi 10 mai 2021 : nouveaux cas et morts en 24h Le monde entier fait face à une crise sanitaire sans précédent due à la pandémie de Covid-19. C'est là qu'un jour qu'il avait 40 ans, l'ange Jibril (Gabriel) lui rendit visite avec le message de Dieu. The upcoming Saudi Arabia holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 2 days from today. Hope it will help you to know more about a particular holiday like when, why and how the day is celebrated. The upcoming Kenya holiday Eid-al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. Eid-al-Fitr is a holiday to mark the end of the Islamic month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast … The upcoming Iran holiday Eid-al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Yemen holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. The upcoming French Polynesia holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Norway holiday Constitution Day is in 6 days from today. The upcoming Burkina Faso holiday Korite is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Senegal holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Denmark holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Curacao holiday Ascension Day is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Yemen holiday Eid-al-Fitr Holiday is in 1 days from today. The upcoming Libya holiday Eid al-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. The upcoming Mauritania holiday Eid al-Fitr is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Bosnia And Herzegovina holiday Ramadan Bajram is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Tajikistan holiday Idi Ramazon is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Chad holiday Aid el-Fitr is in 2 days from today. Khadija fut non seulement la première femme mais aussi la première personne à se convertir à l'Islam. The upcoming Sudan holiday Ramadan Bairam Holiday is in 4 days from today. The upcoming Malaysia holiday Hari Raya Puasa (Day 1) is in 2 days from today. The upcoming Mauritania holiday Eid al-Fitr Holiday is in 3 days from today. Many Muslim Malaysians visit their … Lebanon (/ ˈ l ɛ b ə n ɒ n,-n ə n / (), Arabic: لبنان ‎ lubnān, Lebanese Arabic pronunciation: [lɪbˈneːn]), officially known as the Lebanese Republic, is a country in Western Asia.