Accessed May 11, 2021., Population Reference Bureau. None. Population ages 15-64 (% of total population) World Bank staff estimates based on age/sex distributions of United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects: 2019 Revision. Please log in to access our additional functions, *Duration: 12 months, billed annually, single license, The ideal entry-level account for individual users. Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male) Total: 7,758,156,792: 3,913,434,331: 3,844,722,461: 100: 100: 100: 101.8: 00-04: 677,599,590: 349,704,237: 327,895,353: 8.7: 8.9: 8.5: 106.7: 05-09: 664,282,610: 343,252,279: 321,030,331: 8.6: 8.8: 8.3: 106.9: 10-14: 634,568,409: 328,066,006: 306,502,403: 8.2: 8.4: 8: 107: 15 … Download Explore Select columns Select sort order Link to this page . Some portion of the population counted as "working age" may actually be unemployed or not in the labor force whereas some portion of the "dependent" population may be employed and not necessarily economically dependent. Migration. According to the source the data from the above statistic originates from official statistical yearbooks and bulletins of the particular country. Initial Year. Population development Globally, about 26 percent of the world is under 15 years of age and some nine percent is over 65 years of age. ", Population Reference Bureau, Proportion of selected age groups of world population in 2020, by region Statista, (last visited May 11, 2021), Proportion of selected age groups of world population in 2020, by region, Adolescent fertility rate, by region 1990-2015**, Female fertility rate across MENA 2009-2018, Female fertility rate across MENA 2018 by country, Life expectancy at birth in the MENA countries 2018, Life expectancy at birth in Middle East 2010-2015, by country, Share of private school students in the GCC by country 2018, Share of public school students in the GCC by country 2018, Ranking in GCC for quality of the education system 2018 by country, Average current account balance as share of GDP in selected MENA countries 2015-2019, GDP constant 2010 prices MENA 2017 by country, Number of marriage cases in GCC 2011-2017, Number of marriages per divorce in the GCC 2011-2017, Distribution of Sunni and Shia amongst Muslim population in Iran & Saudi Arabia 2009, Immigration to the Middle East and North Africa as of 2010, by religion, Richmond metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, Memphis metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, Washington-Arlington-Alexandria metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, Cleveland-Elyria metro area population U.S. 2010-2019, San Antonio-New Braunfels metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, Austin-Round Rock metro area population U.S. 2010-2019, Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue metro area population in the U.S. 2010-2019, People suffering from depressive symptoms in France in May 2020, by age group, Cultural practices by standard of living in France 2015, Average age of expats in GCC by country 2018, Italy: public opinion on the future for the year 2016, Grocery shoppers budgeting behaviour in Great Britain 2014, by generation, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre, global population has grown rapidly since the beginning of the Common Era. These statistics show that Uganda can boast about a large population that can be classified as a work force, which could in turn help in its growth and economic stability. Initial Population [millions] Life Expectancy. Among the 125 countries evaluated here, the USA are in 37th place with an average age of 37.4 years, led by Japan with a 45.9 years. [Data Visualization] The dynamic graph shows the ranking world population by AGE from 1950 to 2030. It is expressed as deaths per 1,000 births. Please contact us to get started with full access to dossiers, forecasts, studies and international data. Population ages 15-64, total World Bank staff estimates using the World Bank's total population and age/sex distributions of the United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects: 2019 … Further sources are recent demographic studies, special studies and direct interviews with demographers and inquiries at statistical offices of the U.S. and other countries. Growth from 1950 to 2010 was rapid—the global population nearly tripled, and the U.S. population doubled. Population Pyramids: WORLD - 2019. By 2050, the world’s population aged 60 years and older is expected to total 2 billion, up from 900 million in 2015. Formula: ([Population ages 0-15] ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100. Population aged 65 and older , percent: Proportion of the population aged 65 and older. Label. Show publisher information. TOP STATS: Population, Age distribution > Population aged 0-14, Population > Population growth, past and future and 1058 more Religion Where else could you find the number of Catholics, Catholic priests, Catholic parishes, Jehovahs Witnesses and the number of permanent deacons, and compare them all between major nations in a per-capita format? Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. The world population more than tripled during the 20th century from about 1.65 billion in 1900 to 5.97 billion in 1999. In the last 70 years, the median age of the world's population has increased from … The current world population growth is approximately 1.09%. Since 1950, the global population has grown from 2.5 billion to more than 7.7 billion. Default and Initial Net Reproduction Rate (NRR) Enable NRR schedule. Population by Age. A Population pyramid (also called "Age-Sex Pyramid") is a graphical representation of the age and sex of a population. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries miles). The world's larges… The World population is projected at 7.79 billion or 7,795 million as of July 1, 2020. We have chosen the years between 1950-2050 for our Pyramid to show a balance of historical and future projections. Child Bearing Age, max. Niger has the lowest average age with only 15.0 years. Mortality under age 5. Definition: population ages 0-15 divided by the population ages 16-64. The world population atlas gives the latest United Nations population statistics for 230 countries and regions of the world. Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) Population. Mortality. It is common in demography to split the population into three broad age groups: children and young adolescents (under 15 years old) the working-age population (15-64 years) and the elderly population (65 years and older) 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 7,631,091,113 Population. Lower literacy rates are mostly found in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. In … Chart. Register in seconds and access exclusive features. License : CC BY-4.0. This feature is limited to our corporate solutions. Average annual rate of population change: Average exponential rate of growth of the population over a given period, based on a medium variant projection. By 2037, this number will exceed 9 billion. July 10, 2020. Population aged 0-14, percent: Proportion of the population between age 0 and age … There are 3.93 billion males and 3.86 billion females living on earth. World Population over the last 12,000 years and UN projection until 2100 World population and projected growth to 2100 (total population and under 5) World population by region HYDE (1820 to 2019) Rethinking population ageing in the SDG era According to World Population Prospects 2019 (United Nations, 2019), by 2050, 1 in 6 people in the world will be over the age of 65, up from 1 in 11 in 2019 Interactive Data, … World Bank staff estimates using the World Bank's total population and age/sex distributions of the United Nations Population Division's World Population … This database presents population and other demographic estimates and projections from 1960 to 2050, covering more than 200 economies. Global Population Estimates by Age, 1950-2050 The demographic future for the U.S. and the world looks very different than the recent past. People under 18 years of age made up over a quarter of the world population (29.3%), and people age 65 and over made up less than one-tenth (7.9%) in 2011. Source United Nations Population Division [1], [2]. The working age population is defined as those aged 15 to 64. Run . • CC BY. To learn more about world population projections, go to Notes on the World Population Clock. NOTE: Dependency Ratio does not take into account labor force participation rates by age group. Sex ratio at birth: Number of live male births per one live female birth. Net migration. Today, 125 million people are aged 80 years or older. A value below 2.1 will cause the native population to decline, See also: Countries in the world ranked by Life Expectancy. By 2050, however, that number is projected to reach just 9.7 billion. The average age has risen in almost all countries since the World War II. By 2050, 80% of all older people will live in low- and middle-income countries. Elderly dependency ratio Definition: population ages 65-plus divided by the population ages 16-64. Corporate solution including all features. In 2005 it was 28.1 years. In 2023, the human population will grow to more than 8 billion. Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. Youth Dependency Ratio Definition: population ages 0-15 divided by the population ages 16-64. Information is included by sex and age group as follows: 0-14 years (children), 15-24 years (early working age), 25-54 years (prime working age), 55-64 years (mature working age), 65 years and over (elderly).The age structure of a population affects a nation's key socioeconomic issues. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Population by age, sex and urban/rural residence Search glossaries Source: Demographic Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division. Population Reference Bureau. In Europe, the … All three ratios are commonly multiplied by 100. Total dependency ratio After that, 28.34% of the population of Uganda is in the 25-64 year age group. View live population, charts & trends: Population of the World, A Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.1 represents the Replacement-Level Fertility: the average number of children per woman needed for each generation to exactly replace itself without needing international immigration. In just 30 years, the world will look very different. Lower literacy levels are mostly attributable to poverty . Statista. mile), excluding Antarctica. NRR schedule. Total Population in the last five centuries (Clio-Infra Data) 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 0 10 million 20 million 30 million 40 million 50 million 60 million 70 million 80 million Germany France United Kingdom Netherlands Belgium Sweden. This indicator measures the share of the working age population in total population. Growth from 1950 to 2010 was rapid—the global population nearly tripled, and the U.S. population doubled. There are three types of age dependency ratio: Youth, Elderly, and Total. help. facts. De facto population in World as of 1 July of the year indicated. Population aged 15-64, percent: Proportion of the population between age 15 and age 64. Definition: This entry provides the distribution of the population according to age. World Population Simulator by Christian Roehr Setup . 55-64 years: 9.09% (male 341,634,893/female 357,176,983) 65 years and over: 9.49% (male 326,234,036/female 402,994,685) (2020 est.) $39 per month* Increases or decreases in death rates or in number of children born can affect these results. Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male) Total: 333,545,530: 165,371,833: 168,173,697: 100: 100: 100: 98.3: 00-04: 20,672,623: 10,568,178: 10,104,445: 6.2: 6.4: 6: 104.6: 05-09: 20,095,221: 10,262,968: 9,832,253: 6: 6.2: 5.8: 104.4: 10-14: 21,202,638: 10,808,423: 10,394,215: 6.4: 6.5: 6.2: 104: 15-19: 21,287,870: … Among the 125 countries evaluated here, the USA are in 37th place with an average age of 37.4 years, led by Japan with a … Population by age 0 to 14 15 to 64 Over 65 Afghanistan: 43.2 % 54.2 % 2.6 … Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? Population (2020) Yearly Change Net Change Density (P/Km²) Land Area (Km²) Migrants (net) Fert. In, Population Reference Bureau. (life expectancy at birth, both sexes combined), © Copyright - All rights reserved -, Countries in the world ranked by Life Expectancy, World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision, World Urbanization Prospects - Population Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The Earth has a population of 7.8 billion, with an overall population density of .01 people per km (129.28 per sq. "Proportion of selected age groups of world population in 2020, by region." Neil Ruiz, Luis Noe-Bustamante, and Nadya Saber. Nearly two-thirds of the world's population lives in Asia, with more than 2.7 billion in the countries of China and India combined. The World Population Pyramid displays age, sex and population data for 100 years. Proportion of selected age groups of world population in 2020, by region [Graph]. Child Bearing Age, Min. Population by country, 1500 to 2000. Facebook: number of monthly active users worldwide 2008-2020, Smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2020, Number of apps available in leading app stores 2020, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. To learn more about international trade data, go to Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics. There were 703 million persons aged 65 years or over in the world in 2019. In 2005 it was 28.1 years. (July 10, 2020). Formula: (([Population ages 0-15] + [Population ages 65-plus]) ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100. It includes population data by various age groups, sex, urban/rural; fertility data; mortality data; and migration data. The world's literacy rate has increased dramatically in the last 40 years, from 66.7% in 1979 to 86.3% today. In 1950, it was 23.9 years worldwide. The number of older persons is projected to double to 1.5 billion in 2050. Median age by country. The 2019 population density in the World is 52 people per Km2 (134 people per mi2), calculated on a total land area of 148,940,000 Km2 (57,506,032 sq. The 2019 Revision of World Population Prospects is the twenty-sixth round of official United Nations population estimates and projections that have been prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. Distribution of the global population by continent 2020, Median age in the Middle East 2020, by country, Religious diversity in Middle East/North Africa in 2010, by religion, Distribution of the global population by wealth range in 2019. Age groups All ages; Gender Total males+females; Status of population All population; Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012; Country; Australia: 19 640 979: 19 872 646: 20 091 504: 20 339 759: 20 605 488: 21 015 042: 21 431 781: 21 874 920: 22 342 398: 22 620 554: 22 683 573: Austria: 8 139 310: 8 067 289: 8 140 122: 8 206 524: 8 265 925: 8 298 923 Then you will be able to mark statistics as favourites and use personal statistics alerts. Definition: This entry provides the distribution of the population according to age. Formula: ([Population ages 65-plus] ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100. Population Data by country (Recent years) Also available: Data by country (all years) Data by WHO region; Data by World Bank income group Formula: ([Population ages 0-15] ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100, Elderly dependency ratio Definition: population ages 65-plus divided by the population ages 16-64.Formula: ([Population ages 65-plus] ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100, Total dependency ratio Definition: sum of the youth and old-age ratios. "Proportion of Selected Age Groups of World Population in 2020, by Region. Age was grouped in every 5 years. The Global population is estimated at 7.71 billion or 7,713 million for year 2019. Population: 7,631,091,112. In the 2015 Revision of the World Population Prospects, standard demographic techniques were used to estimate the population by age and sex, as well as trends in The demographic future for the U.S. and the world looks very different than the recent past. Populations shown for the Most Populous Countries and on the world map are projected to July 1, 2021. Quick Analysis with our professional Research Service: Show sources information WORLD - 2018. Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Key figures and rankings about brands and companies, Consumer insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about regions and countries, Everything you need to know about Consumer Goods, Identify market potentials of the digital future, Insights into the world's most important technology markets, Health Market Outlook historical and predicted populations (both sexes) for the period 1800-2100 (in billions). The average age in global comparison The average age has risen in almost all countries since the World War II. On 28 August 2019 a minor technical correction was made to the population projected after 2050 for selected countries and regions, and to the population interpolated by single year and single age for both sexes, see release note for further details. Coming of Age. Probability of dying between birth and exact age 5. Learn more about how Statista can support your business. You only have access to basic statistics. Global population by age in 2020 Published by Aaron O'Neill, Apr 1, 2021 The statistic shows the global population as of mid-2020, sorted by age. Population ages 15-64, total. You can use its different windows to learn all about world population, to travel from one country to another, to see how the situation changes over time, to rank countries or to compare them with each other. All trade figures are in U.S. dollars on a nominal basis. Lastly, 21.16% of the total population is dominated by the 15-24 year age group. Moreover, publications of the United Nations, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division) of the UN and the U.S. Census Bureau serve as data sources. Profit from additional features by authenticating your Admin account. In 1950, it was 23.9 years worldwide. Line Bar Map. Just 2.04% of the population is 65 or older. Age that divides the population in two parts of equal size, that is, there are as many persons with ages above the median as there are with ages below the median. By 2050, as birth rates continue to drop and people live longer, the world’s population will change. (billed annually). Please authenticate by going to "My account" → "Administration". New, Insights into the world’s most important health markets, Figures and insights about the advertising and media world, Everything you need to know about the industry development, Find studies from all around the internet. Data on age and sex are included because older populations and males have been shown to be disproportionately at risk of COVID-19 mortality, and urbanization is linked to higher transmission risk. play_circle_filled pause_circle_filled replay settings_backup_restore. and over 1 Mio. By 2050, there will be almost this many (120 million) living in China alone, and 434 million people in this age group worldwide. Total population: Estimated size of national populations at mid-year.