[75], As Iraq–Kuwait relations rapidly deteriorated, Saddam was receiving conflicting information about how the U.S. would respond to the prospects of an invasion. Although Saddam was al-Bakr's deputy, he was a strong behind-the-scenes party politician. The majority of its members were either educated professionals or students, and Saddam fit the bill. He had a good instinct for what the "Arab street" demanded, following the decline in Egyptian leadership brought about by the trauma of Israel's six-day victory in the 1967 war, the death of the pan-Arabist hero, Gamal Abdul Nasser, in 1970, and the "traitorous" drive by his successor, Anwar Sadat, to sue for peace with the Jewish state. Instead Iraq received economic and military support from its allies, who overlooked Saddam's use of chemical warfare against the Kurds and the Iranians, in addition to Iraq's efforts to develop nuclear weapons.[64]. La liste des dignitaires a été établie par l’instance irakienne chargée de traquer les anciens […] As the ailing, elderly al-Bakr became unable to execute his duties, Saddam took on an increasingly prominent role as the face of the government both internally and externally. Leur point commun est une haine de l'Occident libéral et démocratique. [58] In September 1975 he met with Prime Minister Jacques Chirac in Paris, France. Saddam's proposal further split the Arab world, pitting U.S.- and Western-supported Arab states against the Palestinians. Raghad Hussein was married in 1983 to Hussein Kamel al-Majid, a cousin of Saddam who later defected in 1995 and shared government weapons secrets with UNSCOM, the CIA and MI6.Hussein Kamel was killed in 1996 along with his brother Saddam Kamel, by fellow clan members who declared them traitors. [19] Ba'athist ideology originated in Syria and the Ba'ath Party had a large following in Syria at the time, but in 1955 there were fewer than 300 Ba'ath Party members in Iraq and it is believed that Saddam's primary reason for joining the party as opposed to the more established Iraqi nationalist parties was his familial connection to Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr and other leading Ba'athists through his uncle. Saddam convened an assembly of Ba'ath party leaders on 22 July 1979. La liste des dignitaires a été établie par l'instance irakienne chargée de traquer les anciens membres du parti Baas de Saddam Hussein. Saddam implemented a national infrastructure campaign that made great progress in building roads, promoting mining, and developing other industries. On 4 August an Iraqi-backed "Provisional Government of Free Kuwait" was proclaimed, but a total lack of legitimacy and support for it led to an 8 August announcement of a "merger" of the two countries. Saddam feared that radical Islamic ideas—hostile to his secular rule—were rapidly spreading inside his country among the majority Shi'ite population. Saddam's personality cult reflected his efforts to appeal to the various elements in Iraqi society. Health Minister Dr. Riyadh Ibrahim suggested that Saddam temporarily step down to promote peace negotiations. On 5 November 2006, Saddam was convicted by an Iraqi court of crimes against humanity related to the 1982 killing of 148 Iraqi Shi'a and sentenced to death by hanging. including the U.S. supported until several years later. L'Irak a ordonné la confiscation des biens de Saddam Hussein et de 4.257 dignitaires de son régime déchu lors de l'invasion emmenée par les Etats-Unis en 2003, ainsi que ceux de leurs proches, indique lundi un communiqué officiel. Asked if she wanted to give a message to her father, she said: "I love you and I miss you." The video was leaked to electronic media and posted on the Internet within hours, becoming the subject of global controversy. In the early 1970s, Saddam nationalized oil and foreign banks leaving the system eventually insolvent mostly due to the Iran–Iraq War, the Gulf War, and UN sanctions. He was the de facto leader of Iraq some years before he formally came to power in 1979. This page was last edited on 10 May 2021, at 01:06. [73] Some Kurdish sources put the number higher, estimating that 182,000 Kurds were killed. Britain profited heavily from billions of dollars of Kuwaiti investments and bank deposits. Long before Saddam, Iraq had been split along social, ethnic, religious, and economic fault lines: Sunni versus Shi'ite, Arab versus Kurd, tribal chief versus urban merchant, nomad versus peasant. J'ai des obligations : … L'Irak a ordonné la confiscation des biens de l'ancien dictateur Saddam Hussein et de 4.257 dignitaires de son régime déchu lors de l'invasion emmenée par les Etats-Unis en 2003, ainsi que ceux de leurs proches, indique lundi un communiqué officiel. However, after Saddam had negotiated the 1975 treaty with Iran, the Shah withdrew support for the Kurds, who suffered a total defeat. Within just a few years, Iraq was providing social services that were unprecedented among Middle Eastern countries. The government also supported families of soldiers, granted free hospitalization to everyone, and gave subsidies to farmers. In return, Rev. During the assembly, which he ordered videotaped,[47] Saddam claimed to have found a fifth column within the Ba'ath Party and directed Muhyi Abdel-Hussein to read out a confession and the names of 68 alleged co-conspirators. It helped, of course, that his mukhabarat (secret police) put dozens of Arab news editors, writers and artists on the payroll. That month, they spoke with CNN and the Arab satellite station Al-Arabiya in Amman. Sometimes he would also be portrayed as a devout Muslim, wearing full headdress and robe, praying toward Mecca. Kevin Woods, James Lacey, and Williamson Murray, A free-access on-line archive relating to U.S.–Iraq relations in the 1980s is offered by, For a statement asserting the overriding importance of oil to U.S. national security and the U.S. economy, see, e.g., the declassified document, "Responding to Iraqi Aggression in the Gulf," The White House, National Security Directive (NSD 54), top secret, 15 January 1991. During this time, Saddam apparently supported himself as a secondary school teacher. [36] Saddam then created a Ba'athist security service, which he alone controlled.[37]. [citation needed]. Membership in the Ba'ath Party remained open to all Iraqi citizens regardless of background. The nickname and the garden are among the details about the former Iraqi leader that emerged during a March 2008 tour of the Baghdad prison and cell where Saddam slept, bathed, and kept a journal and wrote poetry in the final days before his execution; he was concerned to ensure his legacy and how the history would be told. He also expressed a wish to have a live televised debate with George W. Bush, which was declined. The rise of Nasser foreshadowed a wave of revolutions throughout the Middle East in the 1950s and 1960s, with the collapse of the monarchies of Iraq, Egypt, and Libya. At the center of this strategy was Iraq's oil. Le roi Hussein de Jordanie, décédé en 1999, à 63 ans, a eu 4 épouses et 11 enfants. [citation needed], Saddam enjoyed a close relationship with Russian intelligence agent Yevgeny Primakov that dated back to the 1960s; Primakov may have helped Saddam to stay in power in 1991. Being exiled in Egypt at the time, Saddam played no role in the 1963 coup or the brutal anti-communist purge that followed; although he returned to Iraq after the coup, Saddam remained "on the fringes of the newly installed Ba'thi administration and [had] to content himself with the minor position of a member of the Party's central bureau for peasants," in the words of Efraim Karsh and Inari Rautsi. "[64] The blatant disregard of international law and violations of international borders were ignored. Saddam Hussein : son règne et sa chute en images, Restaurant et couvre-feu, Restaurant et Covid. His face could be seen on the sides of office buildings, schools, airports, and shops, as well as on Iraqi currency. Following the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Iraq faced the prospect of régime change from two Shi'ite factions (Dawa and SCIRI) which aspired to model Iraq on its neighbour Iran as a Shia theocracy. La liste des dignitaires a été établie par l'instance irakienne chargée de traquer les anciens membres du parti Baas de Saddam Hussein. 70€ de réduction offerts en code promo Abritel, Offres Ouigo : Voyagez jusqu'à 50% moins cher qu'avec les autres transports, Code promo SNCF : 5% de réduction vos réservations, Offre Air France: 50€ offerts tous les 300€ de réservation, Promo Booking: 15% de réduction minimum sur vos prochaines vacances, Sixt : jusqu'à 50% de promo sur la location de voitures en France, Vous êtes propriétaire d’une maison de plus de dix …, Depuis plus d’un siècle, la famille d’Henri …, L2J Associés est une société née de l'association de …, Classée 3e meilleure pizzeria d’Île-de-France, cette …, 1more ÉCOUTEURS 1MORE E1002 CAPSULE IN-EAR -, Skullcandy Crusher Casque d'écoute sans fil -, Ajax System Clavier sans fil et tactile AJAX Blanc AJ-CLAVIER-W -, Offres Ouigo : Voyagez jusqu'à 50% moins cher qu'avec les …, L'Obs - Les marques ou contenus du site nouvelobs.com sont soumis à la protection de la propriété intellectuelle. Une nouvelle enquête sur l'entourage féminin de six leaders autoritaires du 21e siècle : les épouses et les filles de Saddam Hussein, la femme de Khomeiny, celle du Coréen Kim Il-Jong, de Castro ou Milosevic. [91], The United States, which had urged Iraqis to rise up against Saddam, did nothing to assist the rebellions. The families were not given their children, were forced to accept a communal grave, and then had to pay 150 dinars for the burial. [125], Saddam's last words during the execution, "May God’s blessings be upon Muhammad and his household. Jordanie est un prince jordanien, troisième fils du roi Hussein demi - frère du roi Abdallah II. [64], As one U.S. Muslim observer noted: "People forgot about Saddam's record and concentrated on America ... Saddam Hussein might be wrong, but it is not America who should correct him." There is no firm evidence for this marriage. [29] Some members of the operation were arrested and taken into custody by the Iraqi government. Saddam initiated Iraq's nuclear enrichment project in the 1980s, with French assistance. A year later, world oil prices rose dramatically as a result of the 1973 energy crisis, and skyrocketing revenues enabled Saddam to expand his agenda. [30] Saddam moved from Syria to Egypt itself in February 1960, and he continued to live there until 1963, graduating from high school in 1961 and unsuccessfully pursuing a law degree. L'armée américaine a annoncé, mercredi, avoir capturé la fille et l'une des épouses du numéro deux du régime irakien déchu, Ezzat Ibrahim.