From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. They cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water. Use these guides in accompaniment with the Our Planet series episodes to help shape supplementary discussions and activities within your 5th-12th grade learning environment. Could be used to support learning around ecosystems, animal habitats and adaptations. Coastlines make up around 8 percent of the Earth’s land, but they have about 26 percent of all biological diversity on our planet. A question and answer worksheet based around Netflix documentary our planet, episode 1. broken into five major areas of specialization of study: Astronomy, Meteorology, The events mentioned above are studied by scientists who would “fit in” to one of the, above areas of specialized study. It also includes Earth’s oceans and atmosphere, as, well as the Universe, of which the Earth is part. 0. This documentary series is one that shouldn’t be missed. HIGH SEAS Beyond the beaches and shallow coastal waters lie the high seas which cover more than 60 per cent of our planet’s surface. If we turned a third of all of our coastal seas into properly protected areas out fishing grounds would recover and sustain humanity. Our-Planet-Coastal-Seas-Worksheet.doc - What Is Earth Science Topic I Branches of Earth Science A volcano erupts in Hawaii destroying several homes and, A volcano erupts in Hawaii, destroying several homes and covering a major highway. 0. One Planet: 29 question worksheet, 47 word Word Search, 47 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. On average our oceans are 2.5 miles deep, and parts of the high seas are nearly 7 Video Response Worksheets will turn your history or science lesson into a rich educational experience that keeps students attentive, engaged, and accountable. With this bundle you will get 5 Instructional Resources for use with EACH episode “Our Planet”: One Earth, Frozen Planet, Jungles, Coastal Seas, From Deserts to Grasslands, The High Seas, Fresh Water, Forests. produce upwards of 85% of the oxygen we breathe. Each episode is approximately 50 minutes long. Our Planet: Coastal Seas orange spotted filefish documentaryedit our planet nature ocean my gifs queue coral reef. This Video Response Worksheet and Key is based on the BBC documentary series "Our Planet - Episode 4: Coastal Seas" as narrated by David Attenborough. Each of the above occurrences impacts some “piece of the machine”, but they, do not all impact the same “piece”, nor do they impact the Earth in the same way. Protecting these habitats is a battle humanity must win. Despite their importance to humanity, few are protected. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. One Planet: 29 question worksheet, 47 word Word Search, 47 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. With such a wide abundance of life, a wide variety of complex relationships can be seen between the different animals and plants within the ecosystem. Answers are also included. Protecting these habitats is a battle humanity must win. Our Planet: Coastal Seas Your notes: -The Everglades has a diverse environment. Earth’s complex systems and it is critical that we understand its role on our planet. The seas fringing land make up less than a tenth of the world's oceans, yet, astonishingly, 90 percent of all marine creatures. Additional licenses can be purchased at a discount for others to use in your department. From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. There are a total of 8 episodes of Blue Planet. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. download Blue Planet Seas … With this bundle you will get 5 Instructional Resources for use with EACH episode "Our Planet": One Earth, Frozen Planet, Jungles, Coastal Seas, From Deserts to Grasslands, The High Seas, Fresh Water, ForestsOne Planet: 29 question worksheet, 47 word Word Search, 47 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Try our expert-verified textbook solutions with step-by-step explanations. Our Planet - Coastal Seas DRAFT. View Our Planet Coastal Seas Viewing Guide EMMA.docx from MAR SCI 101 at Paxon School/advanced Studies. Our coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. Oceans also absorb many of the pollutants we emit including greenhouse gases and moderate our climate. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. In this online interactive geography quiz worksheet, learners examine the map that includes 25 African lakes, river, bays, and seas. Our Planet: The Complete Collection (Music From The Netflix Original Series) by Steven Price. Blue Planet - Coral Seas. Starring: ... Coastal Seas 50m. Our Planet - Coastal Seas. In the documentary Coastal Seas, one of the episodes of Our Planet series from Netflix, the narrator takes viewers on a breathtaking journey during which he describes ways of life of various marine creatures and highlights the devastating consequences of global warming.