[36][37] In 1760s BCE the kingdom of Kurda faced an invasion by Elam and Eshnunna during the Babylonian-Elam war and the kingdom eventually sided with Mari and Babylon. Le Kurdistan irakien ou Kurdistan du sud est une entité politique autonome du nord de l'Irak, reconnue par la constitution irakienne, adoptée le 15 octobre 2005 par un référendum populaire. [53] Major oil export partners include Israel, Italy, France and Greece.[59]. My Iraqi Kurdistan Travel Guide Where is Iraqi Kurdistan? [16], The Kurds in Iraq oscillated between fighting for either autonomy or independence throughout the 20th century and experienced Arabization and genocide at the hands of Ba'athist Iraq. This can be partly attributed to the internal power struggle in Baghdad and also tensions with Iran. The KRG spent millions of dollars on the airports to attract international carriers, and currently Turkish Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, Etihad, Royal Jordanian, Emirates, Gulf Air, Middle East Airlines, Atlas Jet, and Fly Dubai all service the region. In 2200 BCE Naram-Sin of Akkad conquered the region[26] and it came under the rule of the Gutians in 2150 BCE. In November 2011, Exxon challenged the Iraqi central government's authority with the signing of oil and gas contracts for exploration rights to six parcels of land in Kurdistan, including one contract in the disputed territories, just east of the Kirkuk mega-field. Nationalités qui ne nécessitent pas de visa pour entrer au Kurdistan : Amérique : Etats-Unis d'Amérique, le Canada, le Brésil. These dynamics could foster instability in Kurdistan and its neighborhood, but could also provide a rare window of opportunity for democratization. These land-grabs have led to a sharp decline in the Assyrian population of those areas, coincided with a drastic increase of the Kurdish population. Iraq was widely condemned by the international community, but was never seriously punished for oppressive measures, including the use of chemical weapons against the Kurds,[86] which resulted in thousands of deaths. On the other hand, Kurds remained dependent on the Iranian military support and could do little to strengthen their forces. The Kurdistan Region Parliament is situated in Erbil, but the constitution of the Kurdistan Region declares the disputed city of Kirkuk to be the capital of the Kurdistan Region. The Iraqis retaliated the following day by chemically bombing the town, killing about 5,000 civilians. Annual rainfall differs across Iraqi Kurdistan, with some places seeing rainfall as low as 500 millimetres (20 in) in Erbil to as high as 900 millimetres (35 in) in places like Amadiya. The Status of the Iraq Smooth-coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli Hayman 1956 and Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra Linnaeus 1758 in Iraq. Iraqi Kurdistan can be reached by land and air. [82], The Ba'athist government of Iraq forcibly displaced and culturally Arabized minorities (Kurds, Yezidis, Assyrians, Shabaks, Armenians, Turkmen, Mandeans), in line with settler colonialist policies, from the 1960s to the early 2000s, in order to shift the demographics of North Iraq towards Arab domination. En raison de sa forme rectangulaire toute en latitude, le fief des Kurdes longe la frontière Ouest iranienne respectivement avec l’Irak au Sud et avec la Turquie au Nord. Arab settlement programs reached their peak during the late 1970s, in line with depopulation efforts of the Ba'athist regime. [12][13], Animals found in the region include the Syrian brown bear, wild boar, gray wolf, golden jackal, Indian crested porcupine, red fox, goitered gazelle, Eurasian otter, striped hyena, Persian fallow deer, onager, mangar and the Euphrates softshell turtle. Tensions marked a high stage in late February 2008 when Turkey unilaterally took military action against the PKK which at times uses the northern Iraq region as a base for militant activities against Turkey. There were about 335,000 in the area prior to 2014 with the rest arriving in 2014 as a result of unrest in Syria and attacks by the Islamic State.[83]. The Kurdistan Region is a democratic parliamentary republic and has a presidential system wherein the President is elected by Parliament for a four-year term. [86] Public sector employees are often enrolled in local training programmes or sent overseas to participate in training courses, technical classes, and professional development programmes. Average summer temperatures range from 35 °C (95 °F) in the cooler northernmost areas to blistering 40 °C (104 °F) in the southwest, with lows around 21 °C (70 °F) to 24 °C (75 °F). Carte, kurdistan, politique, région - télécharger gratuitement ce Vecteur en quelques secondes. Detainees were held for up to four months without any communication with their families. Duhok has the hottest summers in the region, with highs averaging around 42 °C (108 °F). [42] Due to the Iraqi withdrawal, Kurdish Peshmerga took control of most disputed areas, including Kirkuk, Khanaqin, Jalawla, Bashiqa, Sinjar and Makhmur. However, the government has played a much smaller role in the private sector. [102] After his visit to the region, Dutch politician Joël Voordewind noted that the positions reserved for minorities in the Kurdish parliament were appointed by Kurds as the Assyrians for example had no possibility to nominate their own candidates. During the first years of the war in the early 1980s, the Iraqi government tried to accommodate the Kurds in order to focus on the war against Iran. However, defiant to the British, in 1922 Shaikh Mahmud declared a Kurdish Kingdom with himself as king. Commitment", "Barzani: PKK Rebels Should Leave Northern Iraq", "The Iraq War Was a Good Idea, If You Ask the Kurds", "Kurdish opposition makes strong showing in Iraq regional elections", "Infographic: Control Over Iraq's Disputed Territories", "Kurdish leaders discuss disputed areas, Erbil-Baghdad ties with US delegation", "Exclusive: New Kurdish PM says priority is stronger Baghdad ties, rather than independence", "Kurdistan's Politicized Society Confronts a Sultanistic System", "Nechirvan Barzani elected president of Kurdistan Region of Iraq", "Map of area of Kurdistan Region & its Governorates", "Department of Foreign Relations Kurdistan Regional Government", "Diversification Of Economy–An Insight into Economic Development with Special Reference to Kurdistan" s Oil Economy and Agriculture Economy", "Nearly 25 percent of Iraqis live in poverty", "Iraqi President Talabani's Letter to America", "Israel turns to Kurds for three-quarters of its oil supplies". [103] In November, Ed Royce, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives, introduced legislation to arm the Kurds directly, rather than continue working through the local governments. Kurdistan Region's official universities are listed below, followed by their English acronym (if commonly used), internet domain, establishment date and latest data about the number of students. The Treaty of Sèvres (which did not enter into force), and the Treaty of Lausanne which superseded it, led to the advent of modern Western Asia and the modern Republic of Turkey. [80][81], Mudhafaria Minaret in the Minare Park, Erbil, Chaldean Catholic Mar Yousif Cathedral in Ankawa, Yazidi sites mark the tomb of Şêx Adî in Lalish, Widespread economic activity between Kurdistan and Turkey has given the opportunity for Kurds of Turkey to seek jobs in Kurdistan. Vous pouvez également visualiser la carte du Kurdistan d'Irak sous forme d'images satellite en cliquant sur Sat., ou afficher les reliefs du Kurdistan en cliquant sur Rel. [89] Elections held in June 1992 produced an inconclusive outcome, with the assembly divided almost equally between the two main parties and their allies. Higher education was always taught in Arabic. The Kurdish culture is a legacy from the various ancient peoples who shaped modern Kurds and their society, but primarily Iranian. Kurdistan, la mort dans l'air La guerre Iran-Irak réactive la rébellion kurde. [18] The Baghdad government only recognized the autonomy of the Kurdistan Region after the fall of Saddam Hussein, with a new Iraqi constitution in 2005. The Kurdistan Region (KRI; Kurdish: ھەرێمی کوردستان ,Herêma Kurdistanê‎, Arabic: اقليم كوردستان‎ ) is an autonomous region in northern Iraq comprising the four Kurdish-majority governorates of Dohuk, Erbil, Halabja and Sulaymaniyah and bordering Iran, Syria and Turkey. [68] The area became part of the Muslim Arab Rashidun, Umayyad, and later the Abbasid Caliphates, before becoming part of various Iranian, Turkic, and Mongol emirates. (2013). Kurdistan irakien - Carte - Iraq - Mapcarta Une carte de la région du Kurdistan est vue sur le mur d'une école où une famille chrétienne qui a fui les violences de Mossoul il y a deux jours, séjourne à Arbil, dans la région du Kurdistan en Irak… Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}36°55′N 44°2′E / 36.917°N 44.033°E / 36.917; 44.033. PUK leader Jalal Talabani was elected President of the new Iraqi administration, while KDP leader Masoud Barzani became President of the Kurdistan Regional Government. [119] Kamil Haji Ali, the minister of endowments and religious affairs, said in this regard that the new law would “spread immorality” and “distort” Kurdish society. [19] A non-binding independence referendum was passed in September 2017, to mixed reactions internationally. [93] As reported to the Centre for Islamic Pluralism by the non-governmental organization, called as Stop FGM in Kurdistan, the Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq, on 25 November, officially admitted the wide prevalence in the territory of female genital mutilation (FGM). For example, they celebrate Newroz as the new year day, which is celebrated on March 21. In 1973, the US made a secret agreement with the Shah of Iran to begin covertly funding Kurdish rebels against Baghdad through the Central Intelligence Agency and in collaboration with the Mossad, both of which would be active in the country through the launch of the Iraqi invasion and into the present. Erbil International Airport and Sulaimaniyah International Airport, which both operate flights to Middle Eastern and European destinations. This reunification prompted Kurdish leaders and the Kurdish President Masoud Barzani to focus on bringing the Kurdish areas outside of the Kurdistan Region into the region and building healthy institutions. [91], In 2009 Human Rights Watch found that some health providers in Iraqi Kurdistan had been involved in both performing and promoting misinformation about the practice of female genital mutilation. Asie : l'Iran, le Japon, le Koweït, le Qatar, la Corée du Sud, Emirats Arabes Unis. Turkmen residents of Kirkuk were detained by Kurdish forces and compelled to leave the city. [14], Bird species include, the see-see partridge, Menetries's warbler, western jackdaw, Red-billed chough, hooded crow, European nightjar, rufous-tailed scrub robin, masked shrike and the pale rockfinch. [50][51] Erbil's name was Akkadianized to Arba-ilu[52] and during the Neo-Assyrian Empire the city was noted for its distinctive cult of Ishtar. Irak – hors région autonome du Kurdistan De manière générale, et compte tenu de la dégradation sensible de la situation sécuritaire dans le nord de l'Irak et des menaces pesant sur Bagdad, il est rappelé que tout déplacement y est formellement déconseillé. [77] Zoroastrians were seeking official recognition of their religion as of early 2016. In the face of growing Kurdish dissent, as well as Barzani's personal power, Qasim began to incite the Barzanis historical enemies, the Baradost and Zebari tribes, which led to intertribal warfare throughout 1960 and early 1961. Dohuk ou Duhok est une ville kurde du Kurdistan irakien au Irak. [96] A 2011 Kurdish law criminalized FGM practice in Iraqi Kurdistan and law was accepted four years later. The U.S. and the Coalition established a No Fly Zone over a large part of northern Iraq (see Operation Provide Comfort),[88] however, it left out Sulaymaniyah, Kirkuk and other important Kurdish populated regions. However, the Kurdish insurgency became entangled in the Iran–Iraq War from 1980 onwards. By 1927, the Barzani clan had become vocal supporters of Kurdish rights in Iraq. Mountains in Iraqi Kurdistan include the Zagros, Sinjar Mountains, Hamrin Mountains, Mount Nisir and Qandil mountains. After the 1991 safe haven was established, the Kurdistan Regional Government began projects to reconstruct the Kurdistan Region. The Kurdistan Region largely escaped the privations of the last years of Saddam Hussein's rule and the chaos that followed his ouster in 2003, and built a parliamentary democracy with better economic performance than the rest of Iraq. Carte publiée en 2001 # Voir aussi (octobre 2002) Paysages kurdes avant la bataille Michel Verrier Aperçu. [83] In 1978 and 1979, 600 Kurdish villages were burned down and around 200,000 Kurds were deported to the other parts of the country. The severe economic hardships caused by the embargoes fueled tensions between the two dominant political parties, the KDP and the PUK, over control of trade routes and resources. ... Depuis des siècles, ils occupent un territoire à cheval sur quatre pays : la Turquie, la Syrie, l’Irak et l’Iran. Things began to change after the 1991 uprising against Saddam Hussein at the end of the Persian Gulf War. A new constitution of Iraq was established in 2005, defining Iraq as a federalist state consisting of Regions and Governorates. Leur espace, le Kurdistan, est extrêmement difficile à définir, d’autant plus qu’il a toujours été pluriethnique et recouvre en grande partie l’espace occupé par les Arméniens aux diverses périodes de leur histoire. Other international schools have opened and British International Schools in Kurdistan is the latest with a planned opening in Suleimaniah in September 2011. CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Ba'athist Arabization campaigns in North Iraq, forcibly displaced and culturally Arabized, United Nations Security Council Resolution 688, 2017 Kurdistan Region independence referendum, "عێراقی دوای سەددام و چارەنووسی باشووری کوردستان". By early 1960, it became apparent that Qasim would not follow through with his promise of regional autonomy. [42][43][44][45][46] Tukulti-Ninurta I in 13rd century BCE finally conquered the whole region and appointed one of his commanders as the governor of the villages and towns of Kurda. [92] The Kurdistan parliament in 2008 passed a draft law outlawing the practice, but the ministerial decree necessary to implement it, expected in February 2009, was cancelled. 29 countries have a diplomatic presence in the Kurdistan Region, while the Kurdistan Region has representative offices in 14 countries. Following the unexpected death of Arif, whereupon he was replaced by his brother, Abdul Rahman Arif, the Iraqi government launched a last-ditch effort to defeat the Kurds. Then, after another failed offensive, Arif declared a ceasefire in February 1964 which provoked a split among Kurdish urban radicals on one hand and Peshmerga (Freedom fighters) forces led by Barzani on the other. In the following years, Baghdad government overcame its internal divisions and concluded a treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union in April 1972 and ended its isolation within the Arab world. [64] This act caused Baghdad to threaten to revoke Exxon's contract in its southern fields, most notably the West-Qurna Phase 1 project. In late 1931, Ahmed Barzani initiated a Kurdish rebellion against Iraq, and though defeated within several months, the movement gained a major importance in the Kurdish struggle later on, creating the ground for such a notable Kurdish rebel as Mustafa Barzani. Relatives of these men and boys said that KRG and Iraqi forces didn't inform them of the places of their detained relatives and didn't facilitate any contact with them. S’il est une région où l’intervention américaine contre l’Irak est attendue, c’est le Kurdistan. After the military coup by Arab nationalists on the 14 July 1958,[74] Mustafa Barzani was invited by Abdul Karim Qasim to return from exile, where he was greeted with a hero's welcome. [122], Due to the devastation of the campaigns of the Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein and other former Iraqi regimes, the Kurdistan Region's infrastructure was never able to modernize. Kurdish parties joined forces against the Iraqi government during the war in Spring 2003. In 1922, Britain restored Shaikh Mahmud Barzanji to power, hoping that he would organize the Kurds to act as a buffer against the Turks, who had territorial claims over Mosul and Kirkuk. This was not received well in Baghdad, and the Third Kurdish Teachers Congress was cancelled and Qasim even denied that "Kurds" constituted an own nation. [68], Other mineral resources that exist in significant quantities in the region include coal, copper, gold, iron, limestone (which is used to produce cement), marble, and zinc. [94] On 27 November 2010, the Kurdish government officially admitted to violence against women in Kurdistan and began taking serious measures. [124] From within Iraq, the Kurdistan Region can be reached by land from multiple roads. When the Iraqi Army withdrew from most of the disputed areas in mid-2014 because of the ISIL offensive in Northern Iraq, Kurdish Peshmerga entered the areas and held control there until Iraq retook the areas in October 2017. Use the navigation arrows located on the map and mouse to move around the map of Iraqi Kurdistan. It is the first day of the month of Xakelêwe in Kurdish calendar and the first day of spring. [74] Qasim began to prepare for a military offensive against the north to return government control of the region. Irak : Situation sécuritaire (11 octobre 2018 - 11 janvier 2019) DIDR 6 – OFPRA 11/01/2019 dans l’ensemble de la région du Kurdistan irakien , la plupart d’entre e ux, soit 49 cas, ayant The second most important political PUK figure, Nawshirwan Mustafa, was the founder of Gorran, who took advantage of sentiments among many PUK politicians critical of the cooperation with the KDP. [52], The Kurdistan Region has the lowest poverty rates in Iraq[54] and the stronger economy of the Kurdistan Region attracted around 20,000 workers from other parts of Iraq between 2003 and 2005. Later it came under the rule of the Achaemenids and remained as part of the satrapy of Media. The Kurdistan Region encompasses most of Iraqi Kurdistan but excludes the disputed territories of Northern Iraq, contested between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the central Iraqi government in Baghdad since Kurdish autonomy was realized in 1992 in the aftermath of the Gulf War. [70], Due to the lack of a proper census, the exact population and demographics of Kurdistan Region are unknown, but the government has started to publish more detailed figures. In Syriac the region was commonly called Beth Qardwaye.[64][65][66]. [56] According to some estimates, the debt of the Kurdish government reached $18 billion by January 2016. [102], In September, Kurdish leaders decided to postpone the referendum so as to focus on the fight against ISIL. [1], The Kurdistan Region is divided into four governorates: the governorates of Duhok, Erbil, Sulaymaniya and Halabja. The region was to be ruled by the two principal Kurdish parties; the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). stân) is Persian for region. [97][98][99] The studies have shown that there is a trend of general decline of FGM. Iraqi Kurdistan has been investing in the growth of its human capital in general. Recognition by the KRG of the frequency of this custom among Kurds came during a conference program commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The Great Zab and the Little Zab flow east-west in the region. [49], The Committee for implementing article 140 defines the disputed territories as those areas Arabised and whose border modified between 17 July 1968 and 9 April 2003. In response to the attack, Qasim lashed out and ordered the Iraqi Air Force to indiscriminately bomb Kurdish villages, which ultimately served to rally the entire Kurdish population to Barzani's standard. In April 2012, the president of Iraq's semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region demanded that officials agree to their demands or face the prospect of secession from Baghdad by September 2012. During World War II, the power vacuum in Iraq was exploited by the Kurdish tribes and under the leadership of Mustafa Barzani a rebellion broke out in the north, effectively gaining control of Kurdish areas until 1945, when Iraqis could once again subdue the Kurds with British support. [48] The Kurdistan Parliament has 111 seats and are held every fifth year. KRG-controlled parts of Iraqi Kurdistan contain 4 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. [33] The KDP-PUK relations quickly deteriorated and the first clashes in the civil war took place in May 1994 when PUK captured the towns of Shaqlawa and Chamchamal from KDP, which in turn pushed PUK out of Salahaddin (near Erbil). Iraqi Kurdistan has opened its doors to the world by opening two international airports. On 1 July 2014, Masoud Barzani announced that "Iraq's Kurds will hold an independence referendum within months. Iraqi Kurdistan has also a border gate with Syria known as the Faysh Khabur border gate. [88] Therefore, an assessment of such programmes and their outcomes is needed to identify any misuse of public funds, as well as to assist in the reducing of administrative and political corruption and to make policy recommendations. [107] On April 2, 2017, the two governing parties released a joint statement announcing they would form a joint committee to prepare for a referendum to be held on 25 September. [67] Notable companies active in Kurdistan include Exxon, Total, Chevron, Talisman Energy, DNO, MOL Group, Genel Energy, Hunt Oil, Gulf Keystone Petroleum, and Marathon Oil. 964x557 - 257912 Octes 1214x707 - 302129 Octes 1078x1210 - 173555 Octes 962x1111 - 167960 Octes 491x591 - 23651 Octes 533x542 - 111703 Octes 536x696 - 148168 Octes 473x575 - 110694 Octes 871x709 - 196193 Octes 1153x879 - 532011 Octes 930x578 - 148908 Octes [57], The economy of Kurdistan is dominated by the oil industry. Winters, however, are dramatically cooler than the rest of Iraq, with highs averaging between 9 °C (48 °F) and 11 °C (52 °F) and with lows hovering around 3 °C (37 °F) in some areas and freezing in others, dipping to −2 °C (28 °F) and 0 °C (32 °F) on average. [15][16], Due to its latitude and altitude, Iraqi Kurdistan is cooler and much wetter than the rest of Iraq. These include Kurds, Iraqi Turkmen, and Arabs, belonging mostly to the Shafi'i school of Sunni Islam. [100][101] On 11 July 2014, KRG forces seized control of the Bai Hassan and Kirkuk oilfields, prompting a condemnation from Baghdad and a threat of "dire consequences" if the oilfields were not relinquished back to Iraq's control. Dohuk sur le site Mapcarta, la carte ouverte. [58] However, Kurdish officials have since the late 2010s attempted to diversify the economy to mitigate a new economic crisis like the one which hit the region during the fight against ISIL. [91] This led to internecine and intra-Kurdish conflict and warfare between 1994 and 1996. During the Iran–Iraq War, the Iraqi government again implemented anti-Kurdish policies and a de facto civil war broke out. illustrations, cliparts, dessins animés et icônes de gravure antique, perses et autres peuples orientaux gravure illustration antique, publié en 1851 - kurdistan. Iraq informed Tehran that it was willing to satisfy other Iranian demands in return for an end to its aid to the Kurds. The large Kurdish town of Qala Dizeh (population 70,000) was completely destroyed by the Iraqi army. There is provision for Governorates to create, join or leave Regions. [54], The Medes conquered the region in 7th century BCE. The region was conquered by Arab Muslims in the mid 7th century AD as the invading forces conquered the Sassanian Empire, the region fell to Musilms after they fought the Kurds in Mosul and Tikrit[67] 'Utba ibn Farqad captured all the forts of the Kurds when he conquered Erbil in 641. Le Kurdistan irakien est une «région autonome» située au nord-est du pays comprenant les provinces ou gouvernorats de Dohouk (6553 km²), de Souleimaniyeh (17 023 km²) et d'Erbil (14 471 km²) pour un total de 38 047 km², soit un peu moins que la Suisse (41 290 km²). [38], In the period leading up to the ISIL invasion of Iraq in June 2014, the Iraqi-Kurdish relations were in a decline that the war against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) only worsened. [38] Gorran would subsequently win 25 seats (or 23.7% of the votes) in the 2009 parliamentary elections to the detriment of the Kurdistan List. Explication, en cartes et en images. [32] This led the Americans and the Europeans to implement the Iraqi no-fly zones in March 1991 to protect the Kurds, thereby facilitating Kurdish autonomy amid the vacuum and the first Kurdish elections were consequently held in May 1992, wherein the Kurdistan Democratic Party secured 45.3% of the vote and a majority of seats. The KRG website indicates the following requirements to obtain a short-term residency card: 1. [24] Israel began assisting the Kurdish rebels in the early 1960s.[25]. [92] In return, the Kurds under KDP enabled Saddam to establish an oil smuggling route through territory controlled by the KDP, with the active involvement of senior Barzani family members. [112] Other peoples such as Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Shabaks and Mandeans have their own distinctive cultures. [8][9] One of the ancient names of Kurdistan is Corduene.[10][11]. A police chief ordered one protester who was released to permanently leave Erbil, where he was living. United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 gave birth to a safe haven following international concern for the safety of Kurdish refugees. The taxation of this trade at the crossing point between Saddam's territory and Kurdish controlled territory and then into Turkey, along with associated service revenue, meant that whoever controlled Dohuk and Zakho had the potential to earn several million dollars a week.