Grasslands Is There Still Room On Our Planet For Grasslands? Caterpillars of the Alcon blue butterfly Phengaris alcon are initially endophytic and feed inside the flowerheads of Gentiana plants, but complete their development as social parasites in the nests of Myrmica ants, where they are fed by workers. L. alcon Schiff. has a row of black dots before the margin, almost parallel with it; found by Hafner at Loitsch and other places in Carniolia.— In the form rebeli Hirschke the blue of the upperside is more brilliant and more extended, the dark margin being reduced, in the female only the apical area black; Styria. Phengaris alcon.jpg. 156. Information here. Tag: Alcon Blue Butterfly. Phengaris alcon, the Alcon blue or Alcon large blue, is a butterfly of the family Lycaenidae and is found in Europe and across the Palearctic to Siberia and Mongolia. Join 327 other followers Email Address: Sign me up, Scotty — marginepunctata Gillm. The dark violet-grey underside has numerous ocelli. The caterpillar of the alcon blue butterfly scrapes its abdomen to create a kind of song. [15][16][17] Though it may be adopted into the nests of multiple Myrmica species within a given site, there is typically one "primary" species with which the locally adapted larvae can best socially integrate, leading to drastically higher survival rates. Once adopted into a nest, Alcon larvae are fed the regurgitations of nurse ants (just as other ant brood), a process called trophallaxis. Weird experiments, human nuttery, nature facts - get them in your email! by Judy mboroki Dec 9, 2014, 8:12 pm Comments Off on alcon_blue butterfly. [9] Across Europe, Alcons are known to use Myrmica scabrinodis, Myrmica ruginodis, Myrmica rubra, Myrmica sabuleti, Myrmica scabrinodis, Myrmica schencki, and rarely Myrmica lonae, and Myrmica specioides. Central Europe and North Asia, from the coast of the North Sea (Ham… Each stage has a different purpose and the butterfly looks completely different. Samples were collected as eggs on foodplants (Gentiana pneumonanthe), and reared to 4th instar caterpillars in the laboratory. (= areas Esp., euphemus Godt.) In Denmark, the Alcon blue butterfly larvae are adopted by ants of the genus Myrmica, which raise them preferentially to their own young.Nash et al. [2], There has been controversy over whether Phengaris rebeli, currently regarded as an ecotype within the Alcons, should be listed as a separate species. Due to the fact that these butterflies did not eat other animals, they took the defensive position. The Dutch Alcon Blue Butterfly is also called the Maculinea Alcon and is in the Animalia kingdom, Lycaenidae family, and Maculinea genus. We have investigated the genetic population structure within and the genetic differentiation between local populations of the large blue butterfly Maculinea alcon throughout the Jutland peninsula. Meet the Alcon Blue butterfly, a beautiful liar. Advertisements. [10] Though less common, the cuckoo strategy has been found to have several advantages over the predatory strategy. The two types are morphologically indistinguishable and molecular analysis has revealed little genetic difference, mostly attributable to localized habitat adaptation. It lays its eggs on the Swiss wildflower Gentiana, where the larva feed until they are fatted, and then roll on the ground waiting to be discovered by ants. However, unlike many other critters, who use their communication techniques to contact others of their species. alcon_blue butterfly. A few caterpillars have even more glands that release substances to appease and fool the ants even more. The caterpillar of the Alcon blue butterfly has a fascinating way of communicating. Shutterstock/Rudmer Zwerver. Defense verses Offense. Alcon Blue Butterfly. When it is still a caterpillar, the Alcon Blue Butterfly tricks ants into feeding and looking after it until it becomes an adult. L. alcon Schiff. brilliant gloss. 6 virtual presentation tools that’ll engage your audience; April 7, 2021 April 16, 2021. In the resulting confusion the wasp locates the butterfly larva and injects it with its eggs. The Alcon Blue butterfly (Phengaris Alcon) is very pretty, but appearances can be deceiving for it is a rather wicked creature. The species can be seen flying in mid- to late summer. There is a species that has a complex life cycle, known as The Alcon Blue. L. alcon is easily distinguished from the following species (coeligena, euphemus, arcas, arion, arionides ...) by the male bearing on the blue disc of the forewing no other black spots but the discocellular lunule. [13][14], Generally, Lycaenidae species which have a myrmecophilous relationship with the ant genus Myrmica are locked to primary host specificity. This is a message meant for a different creature: the red ant. See more. [3][4][5] Still some maintain that they should be treated as distinct species, especially for conservation purposes, because they parasitise different host ant colonies and parasitise these ants at different rates,[6] and also rely on different host plant species (Gentiana pneumonanthe in the case of Phengaris alcon and Gentiana cruciata in the case of Phengaris rebeli).[7]. The layabout in question is the Alcon blue butterfly (Maculinea alcon) a large and beautiful summer visitor. On detecting a P. alcon larva the wasp enters the nest and sprays a pheromone that causes the ants to attack each other. The Alcon blue butterfly lays eggs on the marsh gentian, but the larvae leave the plant and migrate to the ground to attract ants. Grasslands Buffalo Story. In ab. The Dutch Alcon blue (Phengaris alcon arenaria) was a subspecies of the Alcon blue butterfly (Phengaris alcon).There is not much known about this subspecies, but it has always been very rare. Did you know? Alcon larvae leave the food plant when they have grown sufficiently (4th instar) and wait on the ground below to be discovered by ants. Large, the male above deep blue, but without brilliant gloss. pallidior Schultz the margin is grey instead of black. Like some other species of Lycaenidae, the larval (caterpillar) stage of P. alcon depends on support by certain ants; it is therefore known as a myrmecophile. Alcon Blue Butterfly. This Dutch butterfly a subspecies of the Alcon Blue was found mainly in the grasslands of The Netherlands. cecinae Hormuz. Simple Summary: Caterpillars of the Alcon blue butterfly Phengaris alcon feed initially inside flowerheads of Gentiana plants but complete their development as ‘cuckoos’ in nests of Myrmica ants being fed by workers. The species of large blue butterfly we study at the Universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus is the Alcon blue, Maculinea alcon. It can be seen flying in mid to late summer. Butterflies have four different stages in their life cycle. Moth Butterfly. The female black-brown, dusted with dark blue in the basal area. 10 Strange Things that Were Grown in a Lab, 12 Absolutely Insane Stories About People Who Won a Lottery, 10 Actors Who Got Too Involved in Their Roles, 10 Incredible Ancient Structures Carved Out of Solid Rock, 12 Lesser-known Animal Facts that Will Surely Surprise You, 10 of the Craziest Events Caught Live on TV,, How videos can drive stronger virtual sales; April 9, 2021. The Dutch Alcon Blue Butterfly feeds on nectar from the Erica Tetralix, The Geniana Pneumonanthe, and Gentiana Cruciata. The female black-brown, dusted with dark blue in the basal area. (83 a). But unlike many other such critters, who use their communication techniques to contact others of their species, this is a message meant for a … Northern White Rhinoceros Spix Macaw Quagga Pyrenean Ibex Golden Toad Zanzibar Leopard Falkland Islands Wolf Javan Tiger Round Island Burrowing Boa Dutch Alcon Blue Butterfly Schomburgk’s Deer Dodo Thylacine Woolly Mammoth Sabre-toothed Cat Butterflies look at the world in a totally different way than we … The beautiful and rare Alcon Blue butterfly, Maculina alcon, has a surprising life cycle; for about nine months of the year it behaves like a cuckoo. [9] Another advantage of cuckoo feeding is that individuals, having pursued a higher degree of social integration, have a higher chance of surviving when a nest is overcrowded or facing food shortage because ants preferentially feed the larvae; compared to the type of scramble competition that can devastate predatory larvae, this contest competition results in much lower mortality. A beautiful butterfly is able to fool ants into rearing its young by masking them with the ants’ own smell, say researchers. Alcon Blue Butterfly.jpg. [9] This parasitic method is known as the "cuckoo" strategy and is an alternative to the predatory strategy employed by most other members of the genus such as Phengaris arion. The Alcon blue or Alcon large blue (Phengaris alcon), is a butterfly of the family Lycaenidae and is found in Europe and across the Palearctic to Siberia and Mongolia. Like the Alcon Blue butterfly, the Eucharitid wasp is able to get away with this because it takes on the same odor as the ants. This species and many of its cousins in the genus Phengaris (sometimes known as Maculinea ) raise their young the same way cuckoo birds do. [18][19], P. alcon larvae are sought underground by the Ichneumon eumerus wasp. 10 Unbelievably Beautiful Places You Must See Before You Die! It scrapes its abdomen to create a kind of song. SHARES. OUR PLANET. It was endemic to the Netherlands, where two populations were known.One in Meijendel (dunes north of The Hague), and in the Meije (in the neighbourhood of the Nieuwkoopse Plassen). Caterpillars of the Alcon blue butterfly Phengaris alcon are initially endophytic and feed inside the flowerheads of Gentiana plants, but complete their development as social parasites in the nests of Myrmica ants, where they are fed by workers. (83 a). It lays its eggs onto the marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe); in the region of the Alps they are sometimes also found on the related willow gentian (Gentiana asclepiadea). While closely related species (pictured here) still exist in parts of Europe and Asia, the last Dutch Alcon Blue was seen in the wild in 1979. (83 a) has a narrow black margin like rebeli, but the blue is very deep and dark, so dull as in true alcon; from the Alps of Switzerland and the Caucasus. Social parasitism protects larvae from most natural enemies and only specialized ichneumon In ab. There are several species of Large blue butterflies in Europe and Northern Asia. For one, it is more trophically efficient than preying directly on other ant grubs, and as a result, significantly more cuckoo-type larvae can be supported per nest than predatory larvae. SOME HAVE COLORS WE CAN’T SEE. The larvae emit surface chemicals (allomones) that closely match those of ant larvae, causing the ants to carry the Alcon larvae into their nests and place them in their brood chambers. Previous article 12 Animals We Have Driven To Extinction; You May Also Like. General Information. Complex channels of chemical communication affect both the ecology and evolution of interactions among species. by Judy mboroki Dec 9, 2014, 8:12 pm Comments Off on alcon_blue butterfly, 702 SharesComments Off on 10 Strange Things that Were Grown in a Lab, 780 SharesComments Off on 12 Absolutely Insane Stories About People Who Won a Lottery, 702 SharesComments Off on 10 Actors Who Got Too Involved in Their Roles, 702 SharesComments Off on 10 Incredible Ancient Structures Carved Out of Solid Rock, 702 SharesComments Off on 12 Lesser-known Animal Facts that Will Surely Surprise You, 702 SharesComments Off on 10 of the Craziest Events Caught Live on TV, © Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved,, on 10 Strange Things that Were Grown in a Lab, on 12 Absolutely Insane Stories About People Who Won a Lottery, on 10 Actors Who Got Too Involved in Their Roles, on 10 Incredible Ancient Structures Carved Out of Solid Rock, on 12 Lesser-known Animal Facts that Will Surely Surprise You, on 10 of the Craziest Events Caught Live on TV, Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”. [8] The caterpillars eat no other plants. Smell-wars between butterflies and ants [press release] A … To organize and prioritise species-specific conservation efforts, we delineate `functional conservation units' for the threatened Alcon Blue butterfly Maculinea alcon in Belgium. At first grey, later on reddish brown with dark dorsal line and dark head. Butterfly, Alcon Blue (V2).jpg. (= areas Esp., euphemus Godt.) Over time, some ant colonies that are parasitized in this manner will slightly change their larva chemicals as a defence, leading to an evolutionary "arms race" between the two species. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. The Alcon blue is unusual in this regard in that it uses different host species in different locations throughout Europe, and often uses multiple host species even within the same location and population. Subscribe! It belongs to a large family of butterflies, the Lycaenidae, many of whom have a special relationship with ants. [20], "The battle of the butterflies and the ants", "Chemical mimicry and host specificity in the butterfly Maculinea rebeli, a social parasite of Myrmica ant colonies", "Mimetic host shifts in an endangered social parasite of ants", "Butterfly and Wasp: A Devious, Deceitful Cycle of Life",, Articles with dead external links from May 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 April 2021, at 14:20. To hunt or survive predators, animals have developed more effective camouflage strategies. Roles Gallery. Grasslands How does the food we eat impact our climate? 96% of the mass of all mammals on Earth is now us humans and our livestock. [11][12] Though the cuckoo strategy has its advantages, it also comes with important costs; with greater host ant specialization comes much more limited ecological niches.[12]. The layabout in question is the Alcon blue butterfly (Maculinea alcon) a large and beautiful summer visitor. All large blue butterflies are rare because of this interaction with ants. The Dutch Alcon Blue Butterfly, also known as Maculinea Alcon, is extinct as of 1979. Blog. Grasslands Smart Farming - Can we make more food on less land? Central Europe and North Asia, from the coast of the North Sea (Hamburg, Bremen, Belgium) to the Mediterranean, and from France to the Altai, Dauria and Tibet, ab. When the Alcon larva is fully developed it pupates. The caterpillar of a dainty alcon blue butterfly (Maculinea alcon) from Denmark uses its glands to fool foraging worker ants into taking it back to their nest.Once inside, the caterpillar kills and eats ant larvae while the guard ants rest calmly nearby. Like some other species of Lycaenidae, its larva stage depends on support by certain ants; it is therefore known as a myrmecophile. The moth butterfly lives in Australia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The Alcon blue is a ‘brood parasite’ nigra Wheel, has the males strongly darkened, the females being quite black above. See how cameraman Alastair MacEwan filmed the Alcon Blue butterfly. L. alcon is easily distinguished from the following species (coeligena, euphemus, arcas, arion, arionides ...) by the male bearing on the blue disc of the forewing no other black spots but the discocellular lunule. — monticola Stgr. On pupation, the wasp eggs hatch and consume the chrysalis from the inside. ''Phengaris alcon'', more commonly known as Alcon Blue or Alcon Large Blue, is a butterfly of the Lycaenidae family and is found in Europe and Northern Asia. Its victims are two species of red ants, Myrmica rubra and Myrmica ruginodis. October 7, 2011 June 4, 2014 Chelsea Schuyler. the ocelli of the underside are absent or strongly reduced. Its specific and complicated ecological requirements make P. alcon a very local, threatened species, sensitive to environmental changes. The majority of the time they took the flight option in the flight or fight response. Add a photo to this gallery. Once the adult hatches it will leave the ant nest. The butterflies occur on damp meadows where Gentiana grows; they are plentiful in such places, sometimes even in abundance, from the end of May into July, in the North not before the end of June. — Egg white, finely reticulated, laid on the flowers of the food-plant (Gentiana pneumonanthe). A Netflix original documentary series and groundbreaking collaboration between WWF, Netflix and Silverback Films, Our Planet showcases the world's natural wonders, iconic species and wildlife spectacles that still remain. Its victims are two species of red ants, Myrmica rubra and Myrmica ruginodis. The larvae release a chemical that smells like ant larvae to trick ants into thinking it as their kind, and are consequently carried into the brood to feed among the ant larvae.