Terror-Balloon Attacks Resume Against Communities, Fields in ... Anti-Israel UN Resolutions Are Literally Dumbfounding. • Resolutions on Israel: 17 • Resolutions on Rest of the World: 6. In the current 75th session of the UN General Assembly (2020-2021), all EU member states will likely vote for one resolution each on the human rights situations in Iran, Syria, North Korea, Myanmar, and Crimea, as well as on the U.S. for its embargo on Cuba. UN General Assembly approves 6 anti-Israel resolutions Motions deny ties between the Jewish people and Jerusalem, say Israeli administration … Previous resolutions criticising Israeli practices and human rights violations received high levels of support from Bahrain. Israel and Bahrain normalised relations in September 2020. 2020-12-11: Nederlandse VN ... Of the seven resolutions on Israel that were reviewed on Thursday, six could count on the support of the Netherlands. Published 11 December 2020 . ... Moscow says the initiative does not comply with the UN Security Council resolutions on the Middle Eastern peace settlement. Israel’s new envoy Gilad Erdan slammed the United Nations yesterday for adopting a series of anti-Israeli resolutions.The Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly, which is dedicated to political and decolonialization affairs, voted yesterday with overwhelming majorities in favor of seven resolutions critical of Israel. The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning State of Palestine.From 1967 to 1989 the UN Security Council adopted 131 resolutions directly addressing the Arab–Israeli conflict, with many concerning the Palestinians; Since 2012, a number of resolutions were issued dealing directly with the modern Palestinian State A handout photo made available by the United Nations (UN) shows the UN General Assembly's Special Session in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic at United Nations headquarters in New York, USA, 04 December 2020. Anti-Israel UN Resolutions Are Literally Dumbfounding. S/RES/2560 (2020) 29 December 2020 Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts Letter from the President of the Council on the voting outcome (S/2020… 23 avril 2020. It directly contravenes a Security Council resolution which is mandatory for all UN members. Les pêcheurs du ... Russian UN envoy cautions Israel against unilateral ‘Deal of the Century’ implementation – World. The 43 times US has used veto power against UN resolutions on Israel. Other abstentions included: The Bahamas, the Czech Republic, India, Marshall Islands, Nepal, Philippines, Ukraine and the UK. Anti-Semitism Biography History Holocaust Israel Israel Education Myths & Facts Politics Religion Travel US & Israel Vital Stats Women UN General Assembly Resolutions on Israel & the Middle East (2010 - 2020) Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, presented arguments against the anti-Israel resolutions, calling them outdated and maintaining they do nothing but perpetuate the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The most recent report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories has made several… Anti-Israel UN Resolutions are literally dumbfounding ... 2020 7:23 PM. In 1978, the UN called out Israel’s use of cluster bombs against Lebanon, its nuclear collaboration with South Africa, and other alarming activities, and requested member states to refuse to give or sell Israel military equipment. Three leading Jewish organizations have jointly called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to stand up for Israel and oppose all elements of upcoming United Nations resolutions targeting the Jewish State. UN: Seven Resolutions Against Israeli Occupation Passed . "It's plain enough that some of this plan's provisions do not fully correspond to the relevant resolutions by the UN Security Council," presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Rossiya-1 channel. United Nations. Palestine He accepted the drafts presented in his favor. However, a number of recent votes by Canada at the United Nations have led to growing concern that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may be shifting towards a more critical stance on Israel. Comments - Opinion. | Photo: EFE/EPA. This is a list of United Nations Security Council Resolutions that have been vetoed by one of the five permanent members of the security council between 16 February 1946 and the present day. I don’t understand for the life of mine why anyone cares about UN resolutions. For the first time at the UN, a record 87 countries condemned Hamas for its rocket fire & use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes against Israel. Canada asked to stand against annual United Nations parade of lies about Israel. There are 16 UN resolutions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that come up every year, dealing with issues such as sovereignty, refugees, East Jerusalem, human rights, settlements and … Montreal, December 23, 2020 — As the United Nations General Assembly draws to a close, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) notes with regret that Canada has continued to marginalize itself by repeatedly voting with a tiny minority of UN member states against Palestinian human rights. ... and passed a motion calling on the government to vote as much as possible against UN resolutions referring to the Temple Mount with only the Arabic name and not the Jewish name. 23 avril 2020. The US has used its veto power 43 times against draft Security Council resolutions pertaining to Israel since it first began using the veto in 1970. 46 years (and 46 resolutions) later, Israel still has not complied. — UN Watch (@UNWatch) December 21, 2020 Anti-Israël resolutie die op maandagnacht 21 december 2020 werd aangenomen: ♦” Permanente soevereiniteit van het Palestijnse volk in het bezette Palestijnse gebied (oPt), inclusief Oost-Jeruzalem, en van de Arabische bevolking in de bezette Syrische Golan over hun natuurlijke hulpbronnen ” [ Resolutie A / C.2 / 75 / L.35 ]. (January 3, 2020 / JNS) Aside from the United States, Canada has been one of Israel’s most stalwart allies on the international stage, often voting against one-sided resolutions targeting the Jewish state. In his remarks, Erdan highlighted why the UN has continually failed to solve the conflict. Last year outgoing US president Barack Obama abstained, allowing a vote against Israeli settlements to pass. The Palestinian people do not suffer because of the Jews, but because of the ideology that has suppressed them and Islamicized nations for centuries—the same ideology that motivates adherents to be brutal throughout Europe (and in North America and the Middle East and Africa). I ask because I read some of the conditions of a recently approved stab at Israel on 18 November 2020. But, basically, this is the cynical hypocrisy that Israel has been battling against at the UN for far too long. Such bodies cost the United Nations $6 million annually and promote a culture of bias against Israel. UN Watch, a Geneva-based nonprofit monitoring the world body’s alleged anti-Israel bias, released a long statement decrying the resolutions passed Wednesday. By. Credit:Source link . His remarks appear to be the Kremlin's first official response to the US proposal. Barry Shaw - 8 Kislev 5781 – November 24, 2020… The UN Security Council voted yesterday on a draft resolution rejecting the recent move by US President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, widely condemned around the world; and yet again, the US vetoed the resolution . The UN resolutions are not about helping Palestinians. The resolutions also say nothing about terrorist attacks against civilians, she … Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime Minister Netanyahu celebrate the signature of the "modernised" Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) in 2019. iStock ... this is the cynical hypocrisy that Israel has been battling against at the UN for far too long. UN resolutions called on Israel to comply. UN Human Rights Council adopts draft resolutions against Israel United Nations (UNThe Human Rights Council also included the bill against the “illegal Jewish settlements of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory”. “The UN’s assault on Israel …