suivez les informations en temps réel et accédez à nos analyses de l’actualité. Iran has refused, insisting the US first remove sanctions. Mentions légales Hua Liming, a former Chinese ambassador to Iran, said the deal marked a “momentous change” in China’s relationship to Tehran. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. It is not a signal that Iran and China are to have a uniquely deep and expansive relationship.”. Some media outlets reported that the deal entails a Chinese investment in Iran of $400 billion over 25 years. The military aspect of the agreement concerns the United States, just as last year’s unprecedented Iran-China-Russia joint naval exercise in the Indian Ocean and … L’Iran et la Chine ont conclu samedi à Téhéran un accord de coopération stratégique et commerciale sur 25 ans en discussion depuis plusieurs années. Iran and China signed a 25-year "strategic cooperation pact" Saturday in the latest expansion of Beijing's flagship trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative as the US rivals move closer together. It was put on the table after Iran and world powers, including China, signed the 2015 nuclear deal which former US President Donald Trump later abandoned in favour of a controversial policy of sanctions and low-level military escalation aimed at destabilising and impoverishing Iran. Étouffé par les sanctions américaines, Téhéran négocie avec Pékin un accord de coopération stratégique sur 25 ans, provoquant l'ire des nationalistes. Trade and and defence agreement has been signed between Tehran and Beijing, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. 25-Year Strategic Accord Under Negotiation With China "Not Secret", Says Iran China is also a key market for Iranian crude exports, which have been severely curtailed by the US sanctions. “Iran is trying to signal that it has partners even at a time of tension and difficulty. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, right, and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, The 25-year strategic cooperation agreement addressing economic issues amid crippling US sanctions on Iran, Iran and China sign 25-year-deal and send a message to the US, Suez Canal crisis live: Ever Given ship free from bank, Everything we know about the grounded Ever Given ship, Watch live as Ever Given is moved along waterway, Up to 50% discount on bed & breakfast stays across the UK, Use this Debenhams discount and save up to 70% on men's lines - Spring offer, Exclusive Ideal World promo code: 20% saving on fitness, Up to 70% AliExpress discount on super value deals this week, 33% off Argos promo for LEGO VIDIYO beatbox music video maker toys. En réalité c'est toute la paix dans cette région et dans le monde qui est menacée. Ce partenariat comporte aussi bien un volet militaire que commercial. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. L’Iran et la Chine chercheraient à concrétiser un nouveau «deal du siècle». Iran says there’s ‘nothing secret’ about 25-year China accord. L’accord a été présenté comme ciblant les intérêts de l’Iran et de la Chine. Pourquoi le mystérieux traité entre l’Iran et la Chine inquiète tant. Ulcéré par les rumeurs faisant état d'un accord secret entre l'Iran et la Chine, Reza Pahlavi a accusé sur Twitter la République islamique de laisser les « trésors de l'Iran » être « pillés ». China agreed to invest $400 billion in Iran over 25 years in exchange for a steady supply of oil to fuel its growing economy under a sweeping economic and security agreement signed on Saturday. China and Iran inked a 25-year strategic cooperation agreement in Tehran on Saturday, Iranian state TV reported. Renforcé dans les urnes, Boris Johnson fait du redressement du... David Khalfa : « Derrière le Hamas, le rôle trouble de la Turquie », CJUE : le procureur général démonte la justice polonaise, Le sud d'Israël vit au rythme des roquettes de Gaza. Boris Johnson : ses luxueuses vacances dans les Caraïbes visées par... Chine : la population atteint 1,41 milliard d’habitants. Hungry for energy and rebounding economically from the coronavirus pandemic, China already imports more Iranian oil than any other country in the world—despite stinging US sanctions that impede almost all commerce with Iran. Nous sommes OJD Chinese-Iranian ties will inevitably reshape the political landscape of the region in favor of Iran and China, further undermining U.S. influence. Deux semaines plus tôt, c'est l'ancien président ultraconservateur qui avait exprimé son mécontentement sur le réseau social Telegram : « La nation iranienne ne reconnaîtra pas ce nouvel accord secret de 25 ans entre l'Iran et la Chine. “With confidence and conviction, we are negotiating a 25-year strategic accord with China,” Iran’s top … Cet article a été ajouté dans vos favoris. Les négociations entre l'Iran et la Chine sur un accord stratégique d'une durée de 25 ans semblent s'être conclues. CGV Selon le ministère iranien des Affaires étrangères, l'accord signé est une «feuille de route complète», comportant des «clauses politiques, stratégiques et économiques» pour «25 ans de coopération» entre l'Iran et la Chine. Après le piratage d'un oléoduc, la peur d'une pénurie dans les... Israël-Palestine : pourquoi l’embrasement était prévisible. L'Iran discute avec la Chine d'un accord de partenariat stratégique de long terme et cela n'a "rien de secret", a assuré dimanche le ministre des Affaires étrangères iranien lors d'un discours chahuté devant les députés à Téhéran. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday, reported by Asia Times. Merci Trump et même s'il n'est pas réélu, je vois mal le malheureux Biden en capacité d'inverser la tendance. “They will try to exaggerate this deal to show that they are not isolated, to show that if sanctions are not lifted that they have a plan B,” he said. The notion that Beijing would wreck its relations with America, the largest economy and most powerful global superpower, in favor of an alliance with Iran, the world’s greatest state sponsor of terrorism, was, on its face, preposterous. "With confidence and conviction, we are negotiating a 25-year strategic accord with China," Iran's top trading partner, Mohammad Javad Zarif said. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Tehran in 2016, most observers dismissed the significance of the move. Plus de 20 morts dans des frappes d'Israël à Gaza après des salves... L'Europe poursuit son déconfinement, l'Inde toujours en proie à un... Chine: la croissance de la population ralentit, l'Inde se rapproche. “It’s certain that Iran will get some political benefit from this,” said Jacopo Scita, a researcher at Durham University specialising in Sino-Iranian relations. Les premières lignes d’un projet d’accord de coopération stratégique entre la Chine et l’Iran évoquent un rapprochement aussi bien économique que militaire entre les deux pays. “The deal is significant. Vous ne pouvez plus réagir aux articles suite à la soumission de contributions ne répondant pas à la charte de modération du Point. According to Iranian officials, the deal was crafted by both Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and former parliament speaker Ali Larijani. Par Armin Arefi. Si la souveraineté de l'Iran n'est pas respectée, aucun accord ne pourra être conclu entre l'Iran et le groupe P5 1, a-t-elle souligné. The timing is important,” said Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, a London-based analyst and economic development specialist focusing on Iran and Central Asia. Il décrypte également les réactions suscitées par l'annonce de l'accord, certaines étant pour le moins étonnantes… Erreur lors de la sauvegarde du brouillon. Créez un compte afin d'accéder à la version numérique du magazine et à l'intégralité des contenus du Point inclus dans votre offre. Despite the bluster by Iranian officials, persistent US sanctions along with Iran’s own unfriendly business climate will likely impede any Chinese investment. Iran, P.R. ", We showed that the world is big and America and Europe cannot do a damn thing. Le discours du trône : la descente aux enfers du parti travailliste... Présidentielle en Iran: le dépôt des candidatures s'ouvre... Israël-Palestine : au moins 28 morts dans les échanges de tirs. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. “A Chinese company owns a large German robotics company. The U.S. administration has said that the world powers that negotiated the accord -- the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany -- made no secret arrangements. Ainsi revigoré, le régime des Mollah, par son Hesbollah, pourra continuer de mettre le souk dans tout le moyen orient. Iran says accord under negotiation with China ‘Not Secret’ AFP – Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Les forums du Point, FAQ Politique cookies Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Iran’s foreigh minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi formally signed the cooperation deal on Saturday. Some details of the accord remain secret, a fact that has unnerved both critics in Iran and regional nations. Pour sauvegarder le nouveau brouillon, cliquez sur enregistrer. Si l'on ajoute à cela les ambitions d'Erdoghan, voire celles de Poutine, l'Europe occidentale est vraiment mal partie. The strategic cooperation agreement between Iran and China would bring the Islamic Republic into Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, a global infrastructure project meant to expand Chinese influence and investments in dozens of nations across the world as it vies with the US to become the world’s largest economy. A rumor campaign in Iran, apparently being pushed by populist and nationalist voices, has asserted a secret deal by the regime foresees a roadmap agreement with China that would give China rights to some islands. Iran and China sign 25-year-deal and send a message to the US. Pour ce faire, renseignez Vous avez un compte Facebook ? Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Créez votre compte plus rapidement, Veuillez saisir l'adresse mail qui a servi à créer votre compte, Merci d'avoir partagé cet article avec vos amis. Mr Biden promised to return to the nuclear deal once elected president, but has since demanded Iran first return to full compliance. Russie : 9 morts, dont 7 élèves, dans une fusillade au sein d’une... Russie: une fusillade dans une école fait neuf morts. Vous êtes abonné au magazine dans sa version papier ? The hardline Javan noted this week that this is the best time for the deal since the US feels “weak” against China. Iran media discuss 25-year deal between Iran and China The “25 year agreement” was raised by former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a … © Pool / Supreme Leader Press Offi / ANADOLU AGENCY / Anadolu Agency via AFP. Au moins 20 morts dans des frappes israéliennes sur la bande de Gaza. Étouffé par les sanctions américaines, Téhéran négocie avec Pékin un accord de coopération stratégique sur 25 ans, provoquant l’ire des nationalistes. He said Iran needs to increase its oil production to at least 8.5 million barrels a day in order to remain a player in the energy market, and for that, it needs China. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? But some top Iranian officials saw it as a more dramatic move, a way to bolster an emerging axis of Eurasian nations that include Russia and Turkey as well as Iran and China that are defiant of US hegemony. Tutoriel vidéo Iran says accord under negotiation with China ‘Not Secret’ AFP – Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. URGENT - Iran et Chine ont signé à Téhéran un «pacte de coopération stratégique de 25 ans» L’affaire a uni deux personnalités que tout oppose : le fils du dernier shah d’Iran et Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The deal with China boosts Iran as it squares off with the US. un brouillon est déjà présent dans votre espace commentaire. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, country’s foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament on Sunday. “The agreement has a defence section. “If you look back at the last 50 years of diplomatic, economic, political, and military relations, they have been quite consistent,” said Mr Scita. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Nos partenaires Le groupe P5 1 est composé des cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, à savoir la Chine, les États-Unis, … Now China and other countries have challenges with America and we could not talk about it openly. Iran and China have quietly drafted a sweeping economic and security partnership that would clear the way for billions of dollars of Chinese investments in energy and … “But with fundamental changes in China-US relations in recent months, that era has gone.”. Experts in relations between the country say the deal falls within the trajectory of deepening Beijing-Tehran ties. Publicité “With confidence and conviction, we are negotiating a 25-year strategic accord with China,” Iran’s top trading partner, Mohammad Javad Zarif said. Archives. Étouffé par les sanctions américaines, Téhéran négocie avec Pékin un accord de coopération stratégique sur 25 ans, provoquant l'ire des nationalistes. L'accord secret que préparent l'Iran et la Chine. Reza Pahlavi a accusé sur Twitter la République islamique de laisser les « trésors de l'Iran » être « pillés ». votre numéro d’abonné dans les paramètres de création de compte. The draft agreement also covered the high-tech and military cooperation, as well as port construction to facilitate Iran’s integration in China’s Belt and Road trade routes. Vous devez renseigner un pseudo avant de pouvoir commenter un article. L'Iran et la Chine ont conclu samedi à Téhéran un accord de coopération stratégique et commerciale sur 25 ans en discussion depuis plusieurs années. Le Guide suprême iranien, l'ayatollah Khamenei, recevant le président chinois Xi Jinping, le 23 janvier 2016 à Téhéran. Pendant que nous serons encore à nous demander s'il faut interdire les moteurs thermiques en France. A Chinese company owns a Greek port,” said Mr Batmanghelidj. But experts said the number was likely an extreme exaggeration and had little substantive basis. S’il est difficile de nier le premier point, les choses ne sont pas aussi simples en ce qui concerne Pékin. Both Iran and China conduct joint military exercises, most recently with Russia in the Indian Ocean in February, and have cooperated on intelligence matters for years, with Tehran believed to have provided Beijing sensitive information about American drones and human espionage networks. Negotiations for the accord last year sparked controversy in Iran over the supposed secret nature of the proposed agreement Iran and China sign 25-year cooperation deal | … L'Iran et la Chine ont conclu samedi à Téhéran un accord de coopération de 25 ans en discussion depuis plusieurs années, a constaté un journaliste de l'AFP. “The flourishing of strategic cooperation in the east is accelerating the US decline.”. Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s powerful Supreme National Security Council claimed it amounted to a refutation of the US and western powers. Abonnements Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Sunday said that the country has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China. They note that there are no binding measures in the deal. Richard Labévière analyse les enjeux et le contexte de l'accord historique que viennent de nouer la Chine et l'Iran. “China and Iran enjoy traditional friendship, and the two sides have been in communication on the development of bilateral relations,” he said. Au chalumeau et au hachoir, un Pakistanais propose des coupes de... De Jérusalem-Est à Gaza, la nouvelle escalade, Chine : un homme coincé sur un pont en verre alors que le sol s’envole, Luc de Barochez – L’indignation à géométrie variable face aux généraux. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Want an ad-free experience?Subscribe to Independent Premium. All of China’s investments in Saudi Arabia, which suffers no sanctions and can sell an unlimited supply of oil, amount to only $5 billion annually. Charte de modération But it remains unclear what if any concrete immediate changes the 25-year deal signed between Beijing and Tehran will entail. “With confidence and conviction, we are negotiating a 25-year strategic accord with China,” Iran’s top … “With confidence and conviction, we are negotiating a 25-year strategic accord with China,” Iran’s top trading partner, Mohammad Javad Zarif said. An accord with China has been a hot topic on Iranian social media since populist ex-president Mahmud Ahmadinejad last month denounced negotiations underway with a foreign country. En juillet 2020, l’Iran a signé des accords d’une importance capitale sur 25 ans avec la Chine et la Russie. Connectez-vous plus rapidement, Vous avez un compte Facebook ? Au cours de cet échange, les deux pays ont conclu un accord historique de coopération, qui doit courir sur 25 ans. Séduire une femme : L’accord Chine-Iran et son impact sur la région 2020-08-09 par Alen La Chine et ses partenaires de golf semblent se lancer dans un match de boxe fantôme. L'accord secret que préparent l'Iran et la Chine - Le Point China and Iran signed a deal over the weekend that their foreign ministers said was designed as a strategic partnership to last for the next quarter of a century. Ledit accord va introduire de grands bouleversements potentiels dans le domaine économique, géostratégique qui vont s’accentuer avec une certaine remise en cause de la mondialisation, pilotée par les Etats-Unis. At the same time, this is an effort by Iran to catch up with other countries. "Due to their considerations regarding America, the Chinese told us not to publicise it,” he told the news website Jamaran. Asked about the strengthening of ties between Iran and China, United States President Joe Biden on Sunday replied that he’s “been concerned about that for years”. Mr Haqiqatpour called the agreement "a nail in the coffin" of the US and European sanctions. “With confidence and conviction, we are negotiating a 25-year strategic accord with China,” Iran’s top trading partner, Mohammad Javad Zarif said. Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires avant de soumettre votre commentaire. L'affaire a uni deux personnalités que tout oppose : le fils du dernier shah d'Iran et Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Lettre d’AsieMeghan et Harry, les enfants terriblesLettre de Bruxelles, Expérience Le Point “We showed that the world is big and America and Europe cannot do a damn thing," he said. Il explique comment la politique étrangère de Washington a poussé les deux pays à se rapprocher. The deal coincides with the 50th anniversary of formal diplomatic relations between Iran and Communist-run China. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Iran has been negotiating a 25-year accord with China and the terms will be announced once a deal is struck, the foreign minister told a stormy session of parliament Sunday. Iranian sources have revealed some of the the top-secret military elements of the accord, as covering “complete aerial and naval cooperation between Iran and China… Plan du site Politique de protection des données à caractère personnel L’accord Chine-Iran de 25 ans «snobé» par la presse européenne crée, en revanche, de l’inquiétude aux Etats-Unis et en Israël. Pour conserver le précédent brouillon, cliquez sur annuler. 19 juillet 2020 39 Des partenaires iraniens improbables concluent un accord secret de 25 ans avec la Chine 14 juil.2020 à 12h52 Accord Iran-Chine de 25 ans , coopération militaire , … Lorsque son existence avait été dévoilée pour la première fois en juin 2020, l’ancien président Mahmoud Amhadinejad avait affirmé que « la nation iranienne ne reconnaitrait pas un nouvel accord secret de 25 ans entre l’Iran et la Chine ». L'Iran et la Chine ont conclu samedi 27 mars à Téhéran un accord de coopération qui couvre 25 ans, la concrétisation de plusieurs années de discussions. Macron a mille fois raison de dire que l'OTAN est en état de mort cérébrale et les Polonais feraient bien de s'en souvenir. But Zarif, who came under fire over the 2015 nuclear accord which Iranian conservatives had opposed, insisted there was “nothing secret” about the China deal. Nous contacter A long-discussed trade, investment and defence pact signed between Iran and China over the weekend provides Tehran more breathing room as it attempts to fend off American pressure to return to the nuclear deal without preconditions. Abandonnés par tous même par les musulmans... Cela fait des décennies que la Chine détruit leur culture et leur population, envahit par le peuplement Han leur territoire sans aucune réaction internationale. La boutique “Since the Carter administration, the US has often reminded China of its relations with Iran, which was seen by Americans as an impediment to the US-China relationship,” he told theSouth China Morning Post. “With confidence and conviction, we are negotiating a 25-year strategic accord with China,” Iran’s top … “From China, there’s a message in this to the US, so say that we pursue our business and don’t care about your policies, and if we want to build a strong relationship with Iran, we will do that.”. Gaza : Israël riposte aux tirs de roquette et frappe 130 cibles... Manifestation de milliers de mères de disparus au Mexique.